Changes during Pregnancy

All About Waterbirth
A quick look at the benefits for mom and baby of laboring and birthing in water.
Baby Shower Party Categories
A sub-category with everything you need to put together a great baby shower. Invitations, ice-breakers, shower themes, games and more.
Nursery Rhyme Games for Baby Showers
These baby shower games are all based on nursery rhyme characters and children´s songs. See icebreaker and active baby shower games for nursery rhymes.
Pregnancy Week One - 1st Week
The first week of pregnancy is a bit odd since it actually begins with the first day of your last menstrual period and you aren't even pregnant yet. How does this happen?
Pregnancy Week Three - 3rd Week
The third week of pregnancy is the time when the fertilized egg begins to divide and grow. This is also when the cluster of cells will move into the uterus and implant itself.
Pregnancy Week Two - 2nd Week
Ovulation usually occurs in the second week and is an amazing process. See how pregnancy occurs and what to expect.
Third Trimester Pregnancy Changes
The third trimester of pregnancy means many physical and emotional developments that parents-to-be should be prepared for. The last weeks of pregnancy, from 26-40 (or 42!) are important.
Types of Baby Shower Games
Baby shower games help guests laugh, loosen up and enjoy themselves. What types of games will you use at your baby shower party? Consider icebreaker games, group games and more complex games to keep your baby shower guests active and involved.
Week 21
Your baby begins to dream, and as your body continues to grow and make room for the new arrival, so do you.
Week Eight of Pregnancy - 8th Week
Hormones begin to be produced by the baby, and you may now feel changes in your own pregnant body more and more.
Week Eighteen of Pregnancy - 18th Week
See the changes in both you, and your baby, during the eighteenth week of pregnancy.
Week Eleven of Pregnancy - 11th Week
Breathing motions and body movements demonstrate the amazing pace with which your baby is developing.
Week Fifteen of Pregnancy - 15th Week
Your baby is beginning to get the first signs of hair color, while you are probably loosing your waist line. Find out about week 15 of your pregnancy.
Week Five of Pregnancy - 5th Week
This is a time of incredibly rapid growth for your baby and often the time when women discover they are pregnant through pregnancy testing. By now, your baby's heart is beating.
Week Forty of Pregnancy - 40th Week
Is your baby posterior or anterior? Are you experiencing rounds of contractions?
Week Four of Pregnancy - 4th Week
By the fourth week of pregnancy the baby is implanted in the uterus and the woman is realizing her period is late. This is a time of rapid growth for the baby embryo.
Week Fourteen of Pregnancy - 14th Week
When you're pregnant, the more you know about all of the changes going on inside your body, the better prepared you'll be to handle them.
Week Nine of Pregnancy - 9th Week
Your baby is entering the fetal stage now, in the ninth week of pregnancy. See how many amazing things she is doing now!
Week Nineteen of Pregnancy - 19th Week
Baby teeth and breathlessness, there is a lot for baby and mother to observe as they near the midway point of the pregnancy. See the changes to expect week 19 of pregnancy.
Week Seven of Pregnancy - 7th Week
Most facial features are forming and this week, your baby begins to move. He is growing so quickly - see what happens during the seventh week of your pregnancy.
Week Seventeen of Pregnancy - 17th Week
The seventeenth week of pregnancy is a time when many mothers feel their baby moving. Find out more about week 17.
Week Six of Pregnancy - 6th Week
Your baby continues his rapid pace of growth as the beginnings of a spinal cord forms and closes, and the heartbeat is strong and steady.
Week Sixteen of Pregnancy - 16th Week
So many changes are happening during your pregnancy - here is the information you need to get a glimpse of what's happening your sixteenth week of pregnancy.
Week Ten of Pregnancy - 10th Week
Your baby is growing fast and now has detail facial features. As he grows, you may be feeling the pressure. See more when you explore the tenth week of your pregnancy.
Week Thirteen of Pregnancy - 13th Week
The baby has doubled in length in the past 7 weeks, and now free-floats in a watery environment provided by the amniotic fluid.
Week Thirty of Pregnancy - 30th Week
Week 30 is an active week as your baby now passes the one foot length in her development.
Week Thirty-Eight of Pregnancy - 38th Week
Your baby is laying down important fat stores that will help her once she is born. Week 38 means lots of growth.
Week Thirty-Five of Pregnancy - 35th Week
Your baby is now about five pounds - a good size for any child. Heading into the last month or so of your pregnancy time moves quickly!
Week Thirty-Four of Pregnancy - 34th Week
The lanugo hair on your baby is beginning to disappear now that your baby is nearing maturity.
Week Thirty-Nine of Pregnancy - 39th Week
Learn about the changes of baby and mother during the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy.
Week Thirty-One of Pregnancy - 31st Week
Facial expressions and dreams - your baby has all the same habits as you!
Week Thirty-Seven of Pregnancy - 37th Week
Your baby not be moving as much this week as he begins to run out of room, but that doesn't mean he doesn't move at all. Growing and stretching - he is almost done with his time in the womb.
Week Thirty-Six of Pregnancy - 36th Week
Coming into the last month of pregnancy, your baby and you are both adding the final touches in preparation for the coming birth.
Week Thirty-Three of Pregnancy - 33rd Week
You baby has probably turned head down now. Have you noticed your baby having a bout of hiccups yet?
Week Thirty-Two of Pregnancy - 32nd Week
Not only is the baby getting bigger, but the mother is as well! Now well into the last trimester, time is counting down.
Week Twelve of Pregnancy - 12th Week
As you are entering the twelfth week of being pregnant you might now be able to hear your baby's heartbeat. Many changes are taking place for your baby.
Week Twenty of Pregnancy - 20th Week
Your baby is half a foot long now; fitting for this, the halfway point of your pregnancy.
Week Twenty-Eight of Pregnancy - 28th Week
Gaining weight and packing on the extra ounces, your baby is growing by leaps and bounds.
Week Twenty-Five of Pregnancy - 25th Week
The twenty-fifth week of pregnancy brings many changes for both mother and baby. See the details of what to expect.
Week Twenty-Four of Pregnancy - 24th Week
What´s happening to me and my baby now? Week 24 of pregnancy means potential prenatal tests, and more fetal developments.
Week Twenty-Nine of Pregnancy - 29th Week
During week 29 your baby develops a proportional look to how he will look after he is born.
Week Twenty-Seven of Pregnancy - 27th Week
This week your baby will open her eyes and begin to look around her for the first time.
Week Twenty-Six of Pregnancy - 26th Week
With so much happening to both mother and baby, week 26 of pregnancy is not a boring one!
Week Twenty-Three of Pregnancy - 23rd Week
Month Three the "sickness" month for many and the end of the First Trimester.
Week Twenty-Two of Pregnancy - 22nd Week
Week 22 of pregnancy is a great time with lots of energy for you, and activity by the baby.
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