Beer Facts & Homebrewing

Rich Wagner - Beer Historian Brews Colonial Ale
His beer rolled across my tongue with a full, rounded feel. In my mind, it took me back in time, to colonial Philadelphia - Penn's Woods, surrounded on the outskirts by fields of wheat, barley and corn, orchards of apples, and vines of pumpkin and acorn squash.
2011 War of the Worts XVI
The War of the Worts XVI was held on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at the new 24,000 square foot facility of Keystone Homebrew Supply in Montgomeryville, PA, with 765 Entries, 36 categories, 85 judges and a hefty handful of eager stewards.
25 Questions - Philly Beer Geek Fun
How much of a Philly Beer Geek are you? Here are 25 Questions and Answers that will really rock your brain.
A Beer Fox Guide to Hops and Beer
The brewer is a marvelous kind of extremist, one who is a cross between a chemist and a magician, infused with a bit of artistic surrealism...and a love of hops!
A Dozen Ingredients Used in Extreme Brewing
If you homebrew, you may be quite happy brewing “normal beer” with extracts. At some point, you may want to break away from normal, and dabble in the experimental.
A Few Tidbits about Dispensing Beer
Whether you dispense beer at home or serve as a bartender, your chief aim in serving draught beer is to enjoy beer at the freshest it can be after leaving the brewhouse.
A Fight for Rolling Rock in Latrobe Pennsylvania
As a public service, Jeremy A. Evans echoed the Gumola plea and composed an online petition to August A. Busch IV, asking that Rolling Rock be kept in its birthplace.
Abbey Doubled
Some of the most passionate advocates in the world of beer are among the monks of the Roman Catholic Order of the Cistercians, also called the White Monks or Bernardines.
Ancient Ales for Modern Man
Upon leafing through Patrick McGovern's newest book, Uncorking the Past: The Quest for Wine, Beer, and Other Alcoholic Beverages, the drama of man’s immersion into alcohol turned my thoughts to our own modern treasure trove of ancient ales.
Are You Safe to Drink and Drive ?
It’s not easy facing the extra expense or “holding time” required to make a rational decision about alcohol. With impaired judgment as one of the first signs of intoxication, it is not surprising that so many people reach beyond the law into the realm of unacknowledged intoxication.
Art of the Toast - Customs and Best Phrases for Toasting
For some people, the joy of giving the toast is a welcome designation, but for those who are not familiar with public speaking, the assignation of this honor is filled with anxiety until the moment is over.
Ask the Beer Fox - What Are Noble Hops ?
Ask the Beer Fox: What are Noble Hops? Why are they such a prized component in some styles of beer?
Bar Towel Collection Guinness World Record Holder
Guinness World Record Holders seem to only exist in our imagination. But one of these Real People is Bar Towel Bob, who holds the Guinness Record for having the Largest Bar Towel Collection in the World.
Battle of the Beers - Canned Beer vs. Jim Koch
The eyes of The Beer Fox are flashing lightning bolts at the launch of Koch’s recent “Beer Drinker’s Bill of Rights” campaign.
Becoming a Beer Judge - A Woman's Personal Journal
The discovery and appreciation of real beer is one of the great joys of life. Among men, it ranks at the top of life’s achievements, with sex and food. Many women, however, never discover this Nirvana.
Becoming a Beer Judge - A Woman's Personal Journal - Phase 2
The first day was a gentle immersion into a soothing hot tub. The next three classes displayed the incredible talent needed to gain mastery over the chemistry-and-art of brewing other words, they were brutal!
Becoming a Beer Judge - A Woman's Personal Journal - Phase 3
It occurred to me that our BJCP exam was only a few weeks away. A vague feeling of panic set in, as I began to comprehend the complexity of what I was learning.
Becoming a Beer Judge - A Woman's Personal Journal - The Grande Finale
My stomach was in the shape of a pretzel. Well, not really, but it would be fitting to have a little intensity associated with the upcoming final exam.
Beer & Molasses History - The Great Molasses Flood of 1919
You raise a glass of Old Peculier Ale to your lips, and the kinesthetic tips of your olfactory senses awaken with malty caramel, nuts, dark fruit and...molasses.
Beer and the Vegan Diet
What do Peter Bogdanovich, John Norris, Carl Lewis, Woody Harrelson, Margaret Cho, Bryan Adams, and Coretta Scott King have in common? Besides the fact that they have all been in the public eye…
Beer at West Laurel Hill Cemetery
A cemetery may seem like an odd place to have a beer event, but in Philadelphia beer has earned a position of respect.
Beer Color and the Beer Color Reference Guide
Evaluating the visual aspects of beer was, in my mind, one of the easiest profiles to describe. Being a very visual person, I believed in WYSIWYG, that is, what you see is what you get.
Beer Commemorates Ben Franklin's 300th Birthday
As Denver, Colorado prepares for the Great American Beer Festival 2005, descendants of Ben Franklin are orchestrating a Before-the-Fest Competition that will select a commemorative beer in honor of Franklin’s 300th birthday.
Beer Evaluation - Kinesthetic & Trigeminal Senses
Have you ever listened to a close friend describe an accident or severe pain? Their words are so vivid that you feel a weird shock wave through your body.
Beer Fox Newsletter - Get into the Brews !
For Beer lovers, enthusiasts, aficionados, homebrewers and newbies - or if you just want to see the world from an exciting new perspective - the Beer Fox Newsletter is your connection to brews news!
Beer Geek Feeding Frenzy
For a beer geek, knowing beer – really knowing beer – is one of the greatest joys in the world. Some may scoff at the idea of acquiring knowledge about beer, but when one considers how vast the beer universe is, beer knowledge is a true accomplishment.
Beer Geeks - An American Sub-Culture
Geeks get it done: As in love, success is governed solely by passion
Beer Glassware for American Beer
You could tell it was a fine piece of crystal. Holding it by the base, I tapped gently with my fingernail. The sweet ringing of a European bell resonated throughout the room, clear and lilting as the sound trailed off into a whisper.
Beer Hunting with GPS
To the beer enthusiast, the joy of the hunt magnifies under the guidance of all those satellites, orbiting at 7,000 miles per hour and powered by solar energy. All that power to help you find beer!
Beer in South America - Homebrewers of Argentina
A craft beer movement of magnanimous proportions is beginning to explode throughout areas of South America, particularly in Argentina, Columbia, Peru and Brazil.
Beer Inspired by Tradition
When one thinks of beer in its earliest forms, it is hard not to be captivated by romanticism.
Beer Keg Party Pump Basics
Whether the doldrums of winter or the elation of summer seize the seasonal spotlight, there is never a bad time for a party. Keg Party Beer may seem like such a “guy thing,” but it can be the simplest, most economical solution to your next big gig.
Beer Lovers - Central Indiana Beer Appreciation Society
Beer appreciation is spread throughout the American landscape in the form of homebrew clubs, brewery tour groups, and beer lovers clubs. One such group is CIBAS.
Beer Radio - A Winning Cask of Characters
The focus is on YOU, the Beer Lover! Beer Radio takes beer seriously, stresses fitness and responsibility, and yet, sees beer as a source of high-spirited fun.
Beer Slang - A Beer Fox Guide
Slang, particularly beer slang, is living proof that creativity lives in the human spirit!
Beer Snobs
Since I do not typically drink mainstream beers, I may appear to be a beer snob, and beer snobs can scare people who are not well-versed in beer.
Beer Tasting Themes
Beer tastings are a fun way to gain an education. Many would scoff at the idea that drinking beer is educational, but if you consider that beer has been a part of human civilization for over ten-thousand years, you may wish to reconsider your immediate impression.
Beer Tasting Tips - Appraising Taste Profiles
Amber liquid sparkles within the glass with salacious appeal. Your hand firmly grasps the smooth, sloped wall of crystal, as you raise it to your lips. How do you get started in assessing the flavor profile in beer?
Beer Tasting Tips - Assessing Appearance
Are you ready to develop skill and sophistication in assessing a finely crafted brew? To focus on the fine points necessary for competency in the “Art of Beer Tasting?”
Beer Tasting Tips - Evaluating Aroma
Aromas radiate like a den of pleasure, where they kiss your olfactory senses and release exotic memories of karmic moods. This is where the actual “tasting” begins.
Beer Tasting Tips - Impression & Drinkability
Despite the appearance, aroma, flavor and mouthfeel, your own subjective assessment of a brew is a key element in the profiling of a beer.
Beer Tasting Tips - Judging Mouthfeel
You may believe that mouthfeel has little to do with the sensations of flavor. Flavor, however, is the mind’s interpretation of aroma, taste and the sense of touch, also known as mouthfeel.
Beer Tasting Tips - Training Your Taste Buds
What is the most seductive and tantalizing flavor you can bring to the fore of your memory? The more you know about the “Sense of Taste,” the more effectively you can enjoy the unique flavors within beer.
Beer Tips by the Dozen
Beer tips by the Dozen is a simple, 12-point reference that keeps beer-centric information within easy reach.
Beer Trivia - Old Beer Facts
Beer Trivia can be a lot of fun. For those with a great memory for old beer facts, try this challenging Q & A list...
Beer Trivia for Beer Enthusiasts - Lightning Round
How about a "Lightning Round of Beer Trivia" for all you beer enthusiasts? A few little short questions are perfect for a quick drenching of beery fun.
Beer Trivia for Beer Geeks
You are sure you have what it takes to be crowned "Beerdrinker of the Year," but how deep IS your knowledge? Try this little Beer Trivia Quiz...
Beer Trivia for the Light-Headed Drinker
A little loosening of the mind is good for you. Research scientists have found that creativity and innovation are greatest during times of relaxation, so little fun facts may lead to success in other areas.
Beer with Agave - Not Just Tequila's Domain
Tequileros are not the sole connoisseurs of agave worship. Long before tequila was invented, the Aztecs viewed agave as a gift from the gods.
Beerdrinker of the Year 2006 Snags Honors at Wynkoop Brewing
In an impressive display of unflinching guts, intense beer knowledge, quick wit and fiery enthusiasm, Tom Schmidlin delivered the goods that won him the title in the Tenth Annual Beerdrinker of the Year competition in Denver, Colorado.
Belgian Beers from 12% Imports of Brooklyn
Beer bottles wrapped in tissue, elegant labels, and a never-ending garden of earthly delights seem to be the norm for Monk’s, displaying an élan vital second to none
Belgian Lace & Fluffy Bottoms
Do you have a raison d´etre? What about your fluffy bottoms? Lots of Belgian lace? Beer enthusiasts have their own way of talking the talk!
Bizarre Beer Tales
Every so often, bizarre stories about man and nature come across my desk, and they usually have some strange connection to beer.
Breweriana - Collectors Corner of Beer Stuff
If the stars align on a particularly good day, you learn that your beer mug could bring in as much as $5,000! You are bitten by “the bug.” Breweriana!
Brewers Association Top 50 US Craft Breweries 2009
The Brewers Association has released their 2009 production stats for Top 50 U.S. Craft Brewing Companies and Overall Brewing Companies. I prefer to microscopically review these lists from my own perspective to determine patterns that matter to me, as an enthusiast of craft beer.
Brewers Provide Disaster Relief for Sandy Victims
Every time I see photos of the disaster-ridden sections of New Jersey and New York, goosebumps shiver along my spine and the little hairs on the back of my neck quiver.
Brewing With Chris LaPierre - An Iron Hill Experience
When Chris LaPierre of Iron Hill Restaurant & Brewery invited me to “guest brew” with him at his brewhouse in West Chester, Pennsylvania, a surge of excitement came rushing back into my veins.
Bridget Foy's - Merging Art and Local Craft Beer
Monkeys and martinis make a sound foundation for a craft beer bar, especially on South Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. When Bernadette Foy was attending art school at Glassboro State, she had a profound revelation.
Budweiser Attacks Craft Beer
I had an Italian friend who once shared a fable with me. I’d like to share it with you ... Once upon a time, there was a snake who lived among the fall leaves, rocks and grasses in a large field by a river.
Bus Collision at Monk's Cafe
At approximately 2:15 a.m. on this quiet Tuesday morning, a SEPTA bus crashed into the front wall of Monk’s Café & Beer Emporium, the world-class Belgian beer bar and restaurant, located at 16th and Spruce Streets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
C. Stegmaier & Son - A Photo from the Past
When you look at an old photo, do you barely notice it, or do you wonder what life was like for those surly coots? Do you look for the details? Recently, a friend brought me a copy of a photograph taken in front of the C. Stegmaier & Son brewery in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, circa 1894.
CBN Evening Brews at
“I’m Allison Cook…and I’m Tom Dalldorf…oops!” begins the CBN Evening Brews, a little silly shtick that propels a great idea into the craft beer world.
Celebrating the Celebrator - Tom Dalldorf
He is the supreme reflection of West Coast living: laid-back, progressive, energetic, high-spirited, unconventional, cosmopolitan, and fun-loving – all rolled up into one.
Celebrator Beer News Adds Flip Page Technology
Digital is not just for huge, mainstream publishers like Conde Nast and Time Inc. Celebrator Beer News, celebrating its 24th year as the country’s oldest brewspaper in 2012, is the first beer publication available in digital flip-page technology for free.
Cigars and Beer - Beer Fox Pairings
Among Cigar Aficionado’s Top 100 Cigar Smokers of the 20th Century, there are three women, a testimonial to the fact that cigar appreciation is not a matter of gender, it is a matter of taste.
Competitive Homebrewing
The art of homebrewing has exploded across the American landscape with a thunderous roar. In 1978, Jimmy Carter signed legislation that legalized homebrewing on the Federal level; before that, it was considered illegal … prosecutable … an underground activity.
Converting Wine Lovers to Beer Enthusiasts
Sensory specialists have long suspected that women have a high level of sophistication regarding taste. Research shows that 35% of women in the United States are supertasters, compared with only 15% of men.
Counting Calories in Beer
An incredibly-fit friend stopped by my office a few days ago. In recent years, he has discovered the joys of craft beer and truly enjoys the adventure of tasting different styles.
Craft Beer in Cans Hits the Tipping Point
When Jim Koch, founder of Boston Beer Company, wrote the Beer Drinker’s Bill of Rights in July, 2005, his crystal ball wasn’t made by the Ball Corporation.
Dave Alexander of the Brickskeller - Beer Tastings
The structure of beer tastings vary as much as human imagination allows, but the idea of tasting beer, en masse, was initiated by the convergence of ideas from a bunch of young guys who didn’t really know what they were doing.
De Struise - Secrets of Mastery in Motion
He was a symbol of experience, this Urbain Coutteau, owner of De Struise Brouwers, one of the most innovative craft breweries in the world.
Decadent Beers for Fat Tuesday
Get out your green, gold and purple beads. It’s Fat Tuesday. Known by many as Shrove Tuesday, it is the last call of the Christian world before the period of fasting known as Lent in preparation for Easter.
Developing the Sense of Aroma
The peanut gallery was abuzz. Their eyes were sparkling, and I felt the snapping of electricity in the midst of this awakening.
Did Ben Franklin Wear Beer Goggles ?
You might delight in the fantasy that Franklin, being a man of magnetic charisma, may have dabbled in the beer goggles phenomenon.
Did Big Beer Get Brew Masters Canned ?
Word on the street is that the Discovery Channel's Brew Masters Series, starring the handsome Sam Calagione, is being cancelled, with the last episode – the 5th of 6 that were filmed – being in May 2011.
Eight Essential Beer Glasses for Your Bar
Glassware is essential for bon vivant pleasure. Enjoy your amber elixir and show your respect for beer and the crafters who brew it by serving beer in a glass that will maximize appearance, aroma and flavor for each style you choose to drink.
Essentials of Brewing Water
The grape and the grain may live side-by-side, but few think of the most common link between the two, that of water.
Expert in Analytical Services - Gary Spedding PhD
Gary Spedding, PhD, founder of Brewing & Distilling Analytical Services, LLC, uses his rich background in biochemistry and sensory perception for the benefit of his clients, who won 23 medals at the the Great American Beer Festival in 2006.
Football & Beer - Divisional Playoffs 2009
Now that the holidays are over, the world of brawn and power grasps our attention. Although we girls may roll our eyes at the very mention of Super Bowl Divisional Playoffs and Conference Championships, those tight buns and broad shoulders are hard for a woman to resist.
Football and Beer Drenched in Leather
To women who love beer and football, nothing is quite as seductive as sweat and leather. I ask you, Beer Girls, what could be hotter than that?
Fruity Esters in Beer
How often have you thought of peaches as an exotic fruit? That soft, fuzzy outer skin, bright with colors of red and yellow, begs you to touch it, to hold it in your hand.
Giving Up Beer for Lent ?
For many, spring marks the season of sacrifice Ea time when devout Christians make a vow to give up a special indulgence for Lent. Often, that indulgence is beer.
Gluten Free Beer for Celiacs is REAL BEER !
For those who love beer, pasta, bread and cereals, the thought of living without these foods is so great that the potential Celiac delays getting tested, while suffering from the deteriorating effects of the disease. Relax. Celiacs! Gluten Free Beer is REAL BEER!
Good Beer Head
Good head enchants. It teases the eyes, inviting the curious to explore the unknown. The texture of head varies as much as the stars in the sky. Head can be rocky and voluminous, billowing up above the edge of the glass, or smooth and creamy, made of tightly knit bubbles.
Guide to Beer Bottle - Keg - Barrel Capacities
How much beer should you get for your next celebration? How many cups are "realistically" in a keg?
Guinness Storehouse Archives American Stout Lover
On September 29, 2005, An American’s footprints were set in stone as a part of the Guinness chronicles.
Happy Birthday Beer
Never could he imagine, at that point in his life, that he would eventually have a granddaughter, nor that she would share his summer birthday. Nor could he have ever imagined that this little girl...
Healing Power of Hops
In my early beer-drinking days, the aroma of pine and citrus in my beer triggered a battle within my brain. I could hear those little guys fighting it out ...
Heart Healthy Beer
Interested in promoting a healthy lifestyle? Consider the beneficial effects of beer. More and more studies point to the heart healthy effects of moderate beer drinking.
Homebrew Tips for the Novice Brewer
Homebrewing - A sense of the mysterious floats around the brewpot, while the artist closes her eyes to envision the aromas and flavors of the most provocative ale she might conjure up.
Homebrewing - Gross Inspiration
From time to time, the Beer Fox scours through cyberspace, seeking threads of evidence that might reveal the intensity and depth of "your" love for beer.
Hops Shortage and Hydroponics
Craft brewers are a tough lot. They always seem to be playing tug-o-war against the wind, as they spread their enthusiasm for brewing to beer-fans that thrive on their ambrosial elixir.
How Judges Describe Beer
Beer judges are tasked with the job of tasting beer. Tough job, to say the least!
How Sales Reps Can Ruin Your Image
As the sun lowered over Miami to touch the horizon, the air was awash with the rich scent of burgers, brats, and hummus. “I have something I want you to write about,” said my friend from Chicago. My ears perked up.
How to Become a Great Beer Judge
How do people become so aware of taste, aroma, style, appearance, texture, kinesthetics, and a host of other qualities that they qualify to judge at these world class competitions? Are there born tasters?
How to Interpret the Meilgaard Flavor Wheel
The Meilgaard Flavor Wheel, developed by Morten Meilgaard in the 1970s, has long been considered the beer flavor analysis standard by the European Brewing Convention, the American Society of Brewing Chemists, and the Master Brewers Association of the Americas.
How to Judge Mead
This was to be a honey-drenched day. Not honey-drenched in a sticky, cloying way, but in a more refined form - judging mead at Valhalla, the Meading of Life,
How to Order in a Beer Bar & Not Look Stupid
How savvy are you in a beer bar? As a woman who writes about beer, I have grown to be passionate about the subject. Sometimes I am embarrassed by my own enthusiasm, because I catch myself being … well … the epitome of the Beer Fox.
Hulmeville Inn - Home of Philly Beer Geek 2010
Hulmeville Inn Owner/Proprietor Jeff Lavin has been called: the patron saint of the Bucks County beer scene.
Hurricane Survival Kit - Include Craft Beer
Now that Hurricane Shandy … I mean, Hurricane Sandy is behind us, we see the aftermath and it is not pretty.
Illegal Hops Replace Gruit Ale
Humulus Lupulus: For a thousand years they were viewed as a big, bad ingredient throughout many parts of Europe.
Interview – Philly Beer Geek 2010 - Hawk's Win
Steve Hawk, Philly Beer Geek 2010, talks with the Beer Fox about his big win at the Philly Beer Geek Finals Competition ... how does it feel? Is it unnerving?
Is There Romance in the Brewer's Beard?
I find it disconcerting that Garrett Oliver, in his comprehensive encyclopedia, The Oxford Companion to Beer, did not have an entry for “Brewer’s Beard.”
It's George's Fault at Home Sweet Homebrew
…and however it turns out, it’s George’s Fault.
J Wilson's Diary of a Part Time Monk
Is it possible to live on Lenten Doppelbock alone in a modern world? J Wilson, a newspaper editor for the Adams County Press in Corning, Iowa, launched his own campaign in 2011 to find out.
Jason Harris - Keystone Homebrew Supply Adventure
Don Russell, Founder and Director of Philly Beer Week, has dubbed Jason’s new Keystone Homebrew Supply store as Disneyland for Homebrewers. But I call it Six Kegs Great Adventure Theme Park.
Jeremy Cowan and Shmaltz Brewing Company
A party atmosphere follows Jeremy Cowan wherever he goes. Perhaps he’s just an overgrown kid who needs to be put in the time-out chair.
Jess Streeter - The Making of a Beer Geek
When Jess Streeter won the 2014 Philly Beer Geek Championship on June 5th, she felt like explosions were going off in her head. The time and place suddenly took on a surreal quality, as if she was transformed into another dimension.
Judging Beer Aroma and Flavor
One of the most challenging aspects of beer judging is assessing aroma and flavor. These are chemical in nature, making them much more difficult to interpret.
Mead Evaluation for the Novice or Expert
When I began learning to judge mead, I felt like a bit of a … what’s the technical term? ... doofus. Mead terminology was a bit unfamiliar, I knew little about the different varieties of honey, and had difficulty keeping the words in their proper place.
Michael Jackson - Beer Hunter Extraordinaire - Presents Belgian Beer Dinner
In the whirlwind that is real life, it is often difficult to acknowledge that diamonds have a place in your corner of the world. They arrest your glance with a momentary flicker, then fully engage your spirit with the intensity of their existence.
Michael Jackson Tutors Beer Tasting at University of Pennsylvania Museum
Michael Jackson, authoritative British beer expert and world-famous author, is always in the midst of great discoveries and new launches.
Must Have Beer Tools
If you are a true connoisseur of beer, you will keep at least one bottle opener on your person at all times. It’s not a sign of alcoholism. For craft beer enthusiasts, it is a sign of geekism.
Mystery of Enzymes for Brewing Beer
In my younger years, I found chemistry to be a little creepy. The instructor was a rookie, newly graduated from college and sorely lacking in the social skills needed to engage a roomful of juniors and seniors.
Naming Your Beer
Naming beer is as easy or as complex as you care to make it. When it comes to shelf time, the old laws of political correctness come into play.
Philadelphia Water Works - Help for Homebrewers
The Fairmount Water Works in Philadelphia, PA stands as an icon in American history.
Philly Beer Geek Success Stories
As spring blossoms begin to fade and pollen layers your spiffy white car with yellow dust, beer geeks in Philadelphia get the itch for some serious beer games. These are not just any games.
Philly Beer Trivia
Test your skill and knowledge with this little list of beer facts about Philadelphia Beer.
PLCB Philadelphia Beer Raid Comes to a Head
The Philadelphia beer scene came to a head during the first week of March 2010, when more than a dozen armed state police descended in simultaneous raids upon three upscale Philadelphia pubs...
Poor Richard's Ale Cheers Ben Franklin - The Common Man
Craft breweries and brewpubs have their taps primed for the launch of Poor Richard’s Ale, the supreme embodiment of Ben Franklin’s characteristic style as both common man and statesman.
Pubs and Alehouses in the UK
Real Ale is a funny term, one which implies that some ale is not so real. What is meant by this separation between "ale" and ale?
Q&A Fun for Philly Beer Geek Geniuses
Do you think you know a lot about beer? Here’s a little Q&A fun to accompany your late evening beer.
Quotes About Beer & Drink
Everyone seems to love a beer quote. Beerwriters select their favorites for hook-boxes in journals; magazine editors use them as attention-getters. Often, these quotes have not been thoroughly researched for the exact source...
Ray Deter of dba - A Tribute
He was a bar guy. Unpretentious, smart, opinionated, obsessed with good beer … cask-conditioned or craft brewed, it didn’t matter.
Real Ale - Cask Conditioning - Mark Dorber Style
The first Real Ale Festival in Chicago, Illinois needed the expertise of a well-seasoned Cellarman to help with critical equipment, the proper setup, optimal cellaring, and judging of the beer, so they looked across the pond to the UK where cask-conditioned beers were born.
Reasons to Drink Beer - A Woman's Passion for the Brew
“Women are from Venus; Men are from Mars,” so the saying goes. When asked to elaborate on why I have a passion for beer, my answers are quite different from the common frat-boy answers.
Saison de Rose - David Wood Intercepts the Pass
One never knows where inspiration might be found. Sometimes it arises from the depths of exhaustion.
Saison de Rose - John Stemler Behind the Wizardry
To a brewer, there’s nothing quite like the aroma of fresh ingredients. Few things are more satisfying, except perhaps, if he knows his efforts are part of something bigger.
Saison de Rose - Matthew Stumpf Targets the Heart
Saison de Rose, A Belgian-style, grapefruit-ginger saison ale, springs from the heart of four professional women-in-beer from the Philadelphia region.
Samuel Adams Longshot 2008
So, how many times have you gone for the Longshot, that crazy venture with the slightest chance of success?
Sensory Data Collection Tool - Analysis Simplified
With his experience as a sensory analyst and programmer, Tony Aiken set out to develop a program that would be a consistent and powerful tool for the beer and drinks industry. This program is called the Sensory Data Collection Tool.
Seven Deadly Sins of Beer
Here's a little primer that lays the seven deadly sins of beer on the line.
Seven Fun Facts about Beer
Summer is fast approaching and light reading is the name of the game. Here are a few fun facts about beer, glassware, and bottle capacities to feed your inquiring mind.
Simplified Chemistry for Brewers - Brew Chem 101
Chemistry Class is one of my enduring memories from those youthful days of secondary school education. We sat at long tables of age-darkened oak, rather than at gnarly desks. One thing we knew: Miss Reactor was a mis-reactor.
Smashington - Random Thoughts on Beer
Smashington, as he is known in the beer world, shares his story on how he got started in beer; then moves on to discuss everything from beer laws to his favorite breweries, beers and goals.
Sound Bites
Madame Blavatsky, on the verge of becoming an amputee, cured herself “by having a white dog lie across her leg, healing all in no time.”
Tavern Limericks & Beer
In the highly populated taverns of olde, entertainment took on many forms: A brawl between the weary, games of daring and chance, music from the highlands, and the beginnings of the tavern limerick.
Terroir and Beer
Terroir, the French word for “soil” or “earth,” is primarily used by oenophiles and coffee aficionados to describe the influence of local environment on wine and coffee, respectively.
The Bronze Chicken of Beer
We all have talents and aversions, and my Beer Fox Brain simply did not accept the challenges necessary to process the fundamentals of electromagnetic bronzing. But that was before I knew Phil Farrell and his famously-photographed rubber chicken.
The Magic of Brewers' Yeast
Yeast has the ability to impart specific flavors to beer, just as surely as sourdough starter imparts a distinctive flavor to a loaf of French bread.
The Society of Beer Judges
As I prepare myself for the task of judging at the Great American Beer Festival in October, a million random thoughts run through my head. I ask myself, Have I practiced enough?”
The Winning Side of Philly Beer Geek Jess Streeter
As one of the founders of the Philly Beer Geek competition, I am privileged to meet the most dedicated people in Philadelphia beer. Not only do I meet them, but I also get to pick their brains to find out what really makes them tick, how they think, and what they feel during the competition.
Three Tier System of Alcohol Distribution - USA
Imagine what it must have been like during Prohibition. Crazy and romantic, in its own way. Little shabby restaurants in brownstone houses…whisper the name of a mutual friend through the crack in the door, and the whiskey world would open to you. Or maybe you would drink beer.
Top Ten List - How to Use a Macro Lager
So what does a craft beer enthusiast do when they discover a forgotten, half-used case of macro-brew in the back of their garage?
Training for Sensory Identification in Beer
For a novice beer judge, the first morning of judging can be an intimidating affair.
Transformed To Love Beer
Today I knew the transformation was complete. I was passing a magazine rack where an open book caught my eye. A story about the thrills of drink splashed its colors across the page, demonstrating the rush of a champagne bottle on the pop.
Urbain Coutteau - Mastery at De Struise
If it were possible to ride the wind, Urbain Coutteau of de Struise Brouwers in Belgium would be there, straddling it like a cowboy, enroute to fields made of gold and spices. It is apparent in the way he brews.
Vintage Beer and Retrodudz
Vintage. Retro Kitsch. Past days of vamps and vixens! The days when attitudes about beer were set in stone, brash declarations were made and competition reigned supreme. Retrodudz revives a bit of vintage nostalgia.
Waking the Beer Gods
Beer gods have been on high alert since the beginning of social humanity. How offended must they be by modern-day religions that ignore their very existence?
War of the Worts XV List of Winners
Jason Harris of Keystone Homebrew Supply announced the winners of the War of the Worts XV on Saturday evening, February 20, 2010 at Iron Hill Brewery/Restaurant in North Wales, Pennsylvania. It was the 2nd largest recorded East Coast homebrew competition in AHA history.
Wedding Band Inscriptions for Beer Lovers
In the USA, wedding rings often include a touching inscription on the inside, as a profession of love. For beer lovers, it seems fitting that this “touching inscription” would be the name of your favorite beer, one that succinctly sums up the tone of your relationship.
What are IBU´s ?
What are IBU’s and why should I care?
What are SRM Numbers ?
A reader asks, "Beer Fox, I have been reading about beer styles and would like to know what SRM numbers are. Can you help?"
What Beer Judges Know That You May Not
As a beer judge, I think a lot about taste, smell and the sensations we experience when enjoying food and drink. As I prepare to judge at the Great American Beer Festival, I am focused, even more intensely, on sensory perception and the factors that can change it.
What Causes Weird Flavors in Beer ?
Sometimes you just want basic information. No fluff, no confusion, nothing too technical. You hear the words, though, and at some point, you will want to know what they mean.
What is a Beer Geek ?
In Webster’s 1968 New World Dictionary, a “Geek” was described as a madman…a fool…most often a Carney performer whose grotesque acts highlighted such wild or untamed drama as biting the head off a live snake.
What is a Cicerone ?
Although the craft beer movement is surging ahead at the speed of lightning, those who simply wish to enjoy good beer with good food may not have the time or resources to stay updated on the myriad of beer styles available to them. You might say that the Cicerone champions the Rights of the Consumer
William Brand Passes Away - 1938-2009
Bill Brand was the kind of guy you never forgot. He reminded me of a character actor in a energetic, wiry man, with a lean crop of grey hair and a mustache that sat like a brush across his upper lip.
World Beer Consumption – Are the Stats Warped ?
“A statistician is a professional who diligently collects facts and data and then carefully draws confusions about them.” Although the source is unknown, we laugh at the truth found in this little gem.
World Beer Records - Extreme Beer
World records are all about extremes. World Beer Records may be considered even more extreme, because they are related to an external substance (beer) that inspires the most imaginative innovation in the human brain.
WOW XV 2nd Largest East Coast Homebrew Competition
Jason Harris of Keystone Homebrew Supply in Montgomeryville and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA started the War of the Worts in 1996, and has grown it into one of the largest competitions for homebrewers in the United States.
Yeast Wranglers
When Josef Groll was preparing to brew in the Citizens’ Brewery, Mestansky Pivovar in the southwest region of Bohemia, his mind was focused on creating a bright, golden beer – one that would mark the beginning of a modern era.
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