The Edible Landscape

Concord Seedless and Interlaken Seedless Grapes
There are many fine grape varieties available. Here are details on several wonderful disease resistant varieties. These include the Concord Seedless and the Interlaken Seedless.
Heirloom Potato Varieties
Green Mountain and French Fingerling potatoes are two outstanding heirloom potato varieties.
20th Century and Barland Pears
Pear trees are a wonderful choice for the edible landscape. Here are profilesof some recommended pear varieties.
A New World Edible Landscape
In designing an edible landscape, we can take many different approaches. One way is to mix and match the plants as we please. Another would be to create historically accurate landscapes from different historical eras, using appropriate plants.
Additional Asian Persimmon Varieties
Quite a few Asian persimmon varieties are well worth growing. These include Fuyu, Saijo, and others.
Adirondack Blue and Adirondack Red Potatoes
Adirondack Blue and Adirondack Red potatoes are two specialty potato varieties that originated at Cornell University. These are ideal choices for the home garden.
African Blue and Amethyst Improved Basils
African Blue basil is a lovely tender perennial basil that can be grown year-round in warm climates.
All Blue and Desiree Potatoes
All Blue and Desiree potatoes are two highly recommended potato varieties for the home garden.
An Introduction to Common Buckwheat
Common buckwheat is recommended both as a grain crop for home gardens and as a green manure/cover crop.
Antique Apples
I´ll never forget the first time I tasted a Limbertwig apple.
Apple Cider from Home Orchards
While hard cider is suitable for long-term storage, Sweet cider is drunk fresh.
Arbequina, Manzanillo, and Maurino Olive
Arbequina and Manzanillo are two olive varieties that are grown in America. Others include Maurino.
Aristotle and Cardinal Basils
Aristotle and Cardinal basils are only two of the outstanding basil varieties for the home landscape.
Arnold and Calloway Crab Apples
The Arnold crab has been around for over a hundred years. There are some other excellent varieties as well.
Asian Persimmon History
The Asian persimmon tree has a long and interesting history. The plant is native to Asia.
Asparagus in Ancient Times
Asparagus was known to the ancients. It was used medicinally and for food.
Asparagus in Europe and America
Asparagus has long been used as a food in Britain and Northern Europe, It was introduced to America by Europeans.
Astringency in Persimmons
There are both astringent and non-astringent persimmons. It is important to know which type you are dealing with before you attempt to use or eat it.
Baldwin Apple
Baldwin apple is a classic variety that has been around for hundreds of years.
Barcelona Filbert and Other Varieties
Barcelona filbert is a widely grown filbert variety. The following varieties are recommended for home orchards.
Barouni and Other Olive Varieties
Many varieties of olives are grown around the world. Only some of them are cultivated in America, such as Barouni and and Coratina.
Bartlett Pear
This history of the Bartlett pear is fascinating. Here are details on its origins and tips on growing the trees and using the fruits.
Basil for the Landscape
Basil is the most widely grown herb in America.
Beans of the New World
Several bean species are native to America. These are suitable for the edible landscape.
Belle Angelvine and Other Pears
The heirloom pears are very suitable for modern landscapes. They have enduring qualities and have withstood the test of time.
Belle Lucrative and Other Pears
When choosing fruit trees for the home orchard and landscape don't forget the pears. Here are details on some delightful heirlooms.
Black Mulberry
The black mulberry tree dates from ancient times when it was mentioned in the Bible. This was grown by the Greeks and Romans.
Black Twig and King David Apples
There are many fine heirloom apples that are suitable for home orchards. Here are profiles of several.
Bluebell and Venus Grapes
Among the disease resistant grape varieties are some delightful high quality grapes. These include the Bluebell and the Venus grape.
Books on Edible Crops
Vegetables were among the earliest crops to be domesticated by humankind. While veggies and other edibles have traditionally been grown in separate areas of the landscape, this is by no means necessary.
Bosc Pear
The history of the Bosc pear is unclear. Here are details on growing and using this delightful heirloom pear.
Bramley and Empire Apples
Bramley and Empire apples are superb choices for the home orchard.
Brianna and Everest Seedless Grapes
Brianna and Everest Seedless grapes are two wonderful grape varieties for home gardens.
Buckwheat for the Edible Landscape
For gardeners with enough gardening space buckwheat is an excellent small grain crop.
Buckwheat History and Background
Buckwheat is highly recommended as a small grain for home gardens and homsteads. This has been in use since ancient times.
Buckwheat Yields and Harvest
Buckwheat is a very useful crop for home gardeners and homesteaders. These can be grown for grain and as a green manure/cover crop.
Buffalo and Catawba Grapes
Buffalo and Catawba grapes are two very popular wonderful grape varieties that are readily available.
Bush and Globe Basils
Bush and Globe basils are about the neatest looking herbs around. These are perfect for windowsills and window boxes.
Cantaloupes and Muskmelons
Cantaloupes are two of the more commonly grown types of melons. They were both originally native to India and Iran.
Caring for Rhubarb and Choosing Varieties
Although rhubarb is tolerant of neglect, the plant will bear better crops if it receives some routine care. Home gardeners can choose from many varieties.
Carpathian and Other Walnut Varieties
The Carpathian English walnut is highly recommended as well as the Ambassador and a few others. Here are details on these varieties.
Chojuro and Highland Pears
Gardeners can choose from both European and Asian pear trees for the home landscape. Here are profiles of some recommended varieties.
Choosing and Using Blueberries
Choose the best type of blueberry for your garden in order to reap a bountiful harvest.
Choosing Melon Varieties for the Garden
Choose melon varieties that are suited to your particular growing situation. Factors to consider include the length of the growing season, climate, and disease/insect issues.
Cider and All Purpose Apples
There are many varieties of apples avilable for the garden. Some are intended for cider, while others are all purpose.
Cider Apples and Cider History
In the last couple decades there has been increased interest in cider making.
Citrus Description and Propagation
The citrus are among the most popular fruits. These are suitable for home gardens in warm climates.
Clancy Hybrid Potato
Clancy hybrid potato is unique for several reasons. It is the first to win an All America Selections winner.
Clapp's Favorite and Other Pears
There are many heirloom varieties of pears, including Clapp's Favorite. These are a good choice for home orchards and edible landscapes.
Comice Pear
The Comice is one of the most populr pears. Here are details on its history, cultural needs, and use.
Cortland Apples- A Great Choice for Cider
The Cortland apple is an heirloom that is a perfect choice for cider.
Crabs for the Home Orchard
Gardeners can choose from many kinds of crab apples. The tea crab and Trailman crab are exceptional ornamentals with edible fruits.
Cranberries during Colonial and Pre-Columbian Eras
Long before the European colonists arrived, the Native Americans used cranberries for making pemmican. It didn't take long for white settlers to learn about the edible berries.
Cranberry Cultivation and Thoreau's Accounts
Henry David Thoreau was one of the early American authors to write about cranberries and their cultivation.
Cranberry Cultivation in Various States
The cultivation of cranberries was a gradual process that evolved at different times in different states.
Crimson King and Dark Purple Opal Basils
For a touch of dramatic color in the landscape, try some of the colorful basils. Crimson King and Dark Purple Opal basils are two examples.
Crops for the Edible Landscape
There are many crops suitable for the edible landscape. These include the broad bean as well as the soybean and peanut.
Culinary and Medicinal Uses of Myrtle
Myrtle is a very versatile, easy to grow plant that is suitable for the edible landscape. Along with its many culinary uses, this has also been used for medicinal and other purposes.
Culinary Uses for Pomegranates
Pomegranates are very versatile fruits with many culinary uses. They're typically made into juice or eaten fresh. The seeds are also edible.
Description and History of Salsify
Salsify was a popular vegetable in ancient Greek and Roman times. This belongs to the daisy family.
Description of Turmeric
Turmeric is a tropical perennial herb that prefers a hot climate.
Dolce Fresca and Dolly Basils
Dolly and award winning Dolce Fresca basils are two outstanding basils available for home gardens and landscapes.
Dolgo and European Crab Apples
When it comes to flowering trees, you can't go wrong with the crab apples. The Dolgo is a long-time favorite.
Drought Tolerant Potatoes
Certain varieties of potatoes are resilient enough to withstand drought. Drought tolerant potatoes include Prada potato and Elfe potato as well as some others.
Drying, Storing, and Using Persimmons
Persimmons are very versatile fruits. They can be preserved and used in so many dishes.
Earliest History of Olive Tree
The earliest known history of the olive tree dates to about 100 B.C. Early on, this was spread by Middle Eastern caravans to other parts of the world.
Edible Landscape Book Reviews
Rising food prices have revived interest in vegetable gardens. For those new to edible landscaping, here are some recommended books.
Edible Landscape Book Reviews
If you're thinking of turning your yard into an edible landscape, there are many gardening books that can help. Here are reviews of some recommended titles.
Edible Landscaping Book Reviews
These days more people than ever are growing their own food. Here are reviews of some books that can help both novice and experienced gardeners.
Edible Landscaping Tips
With the economic downturn, interest in vegetable gardening will continue to grow. Because of the high demand for seeds and vegetable transplants, gardeners are urged to place their orders early.
Edible Rhubarb History
The edible rhubarbs have only been widely grown as food in the West for three centuries or so.
Egremont and Other Russet Apples
Egremont russet apple is one of the best russet apples. They're ideal for cider and dessert.
Enjoying the Harvest
The growing season brings a rich assortment of fresh garden produce for our tables. Any surplus that can't be consumed fresh can be preserved for later use. Here are some cookbooks and food preservation titles that will be helpfulto gardeners.
Etta Filberts and Fingerlakes Filberts
Filberts are small plants that are suitable for landscapes and home orchards. Many fine varieties are available, such as Etta and Fingerlakes filberts.
Everleaf Emerald Towers and Mammoth Sweet Basils
Gardeners can choose from many excellent basil varieties for the home landscape. These include Everleaf Emerald Towers and Mammoth Sweet basil.
Filberts for the Home Landscape
Filberts and hazelnuts are ideal plants for the home garden. Some recommended varieties include Jefferson filbert and others.
Flavorful Spices
Our edible landscapes are the sources of many delightful culinary treats.
Flemish Beauty and Golden Spice Pear
Pears are a good choice for the home landscape. Gardeners can choose from many kinds of wonderful European pear varieties.
Floral Spires and Elidia Basils
Floral Spires basil and Elidia basil are two lovely basil varieties that are suitable for herb beds, vegetable gardens, and home landscapes.
Florence and Garland Crab Apples
Among the flowering crabs are native species as well as heirloom varieties.
Food Gardens Book Reviews
With edible landscaping the goal is to harvest your own fresh produce. Here are some books that can help those planning food gardens.
Food Plant History Books
The more we know about plant history, the more interesting gardening becomes. Rich folklore surrounds our garden plants.
Food Preservation Book Reviews
Gardens provide more fresh produce than we can use or give away. Here are reviews of books with wonderful jam and pickle recipes.
Forcing Rhubarb
Forced rhubarb was most popular in Victorian times. The forced stalks are a delectable treat.
Forelle and Other Pears
Home landscapes are ideal places for fruit trees. Here are some recommended pear varieties.
Fortune and Ida Red Apples
Fortune and Ida Red apples are two wonderful apple varieties that are perfect choices for home orchards.
Fredonia and Campbell's Early Grapes
Fredonia and Campbell's Early grapes are popular, highly recommended grape varieties.
Frontenac Gris and Geneva Red Grapes
Frontenac Gris, Geneva Red, La Crescent, and Itasca grapes are only some of the many wonderful grape varieties suited to home orchards.
Fuji Apple
The Fuji apple is a very popular apple. It is a great choice for home orchards.
Garden Catalogs 2021--Vermont Bean Seed
The Vermont Bean Seed 2021 catalog features so much more than just beans although beans are their specialty.
Garden Catlogs 2021--Totally Tomatoes
The Totally Tomatoes 2021 catalog is a vegetable lover's paradise. However, do keep in mind that the catalog features much more than tomato plants and seeds.
Garden Report on My Veggies and Herbs
Though the summer has been hotter and drier than usual here in western North Carolina, it hasn´t keep my veggies and herbs from doin well.
General Tips on Growing Citrus
Citrus is a good choice for the home garden for those living in warm climates where frost isn't a serious problem.
Geneva and John Downie Crabs
There are many fine ornamental crabs from which we can choose. Some of these bear excellent quality fruits that are used for culinary purposes.
Genovese and Thai Sweet Basils
Genovese and Thai sweet basils are two of the tasty basils that are widely available to gardeners.
Glenora and Canadice Seedless Grapes
Gardeners won't go wrong with the Glenora and the Canadice Seedless grape. These disease resistant varieties are perfect for the home garden.
Golden Russet Apple
The golden russet apple is one of the best known russet apples in America. It has long been a favorite.
Gravenstein Apple
Gravenstein apple is a very popular heirloom variety.
Great American Persimmon Varieties
There are a number of superior American persimmon varieties. These include Szukis, Yates and others.
Growing and Caring for Melon Plants
Melons are grown around the world. In America, they're a common crop in all regions, especially the Imperial Valley of California.
Growing and Harvesting Persimmons
Persimmons are easy to grow. Requiring little care, these plants can yield 30 pounds of fruit per year.
Growing and Planting Blueberries
Blueberries thrive when their growing conditions are suitable.
Growing and Planting Rhubarb
Although rhubarb is botanically a vegetable, the U.S. Customs Court in 1947 declared it to be a fruit since that was how it is used.
Growing Asian Pears
The long-lived Asian pears can live for three hundred years or so. Hot summers produce the best tasting Asian pears.
Growing Black Salsify
Black salsify is grown as a winter root crop. The plant, which can be grown as an annual, is actually a perennial or biennial.
Growing Citron
Citron is a rather uncommon citrus. This does well in tropical regions.
Growing Conditions for Olives
Olives are easy to grow so long as they're provided with the right growing conditions. These are suitable for various regions of the U.S.
Growing Conditions for the Buckwheats
The buckwheats are very easy to grow provided growing conditions are suitable. These are suited to specific regions and climates.
Growing Grapefruits
The grapefruit grows very well in some parts of the U.S. These are suitable for home gardens in warm climates.
Growing Herbal Rhubarb in the West
Various kinds of medicinal rhubarbs were grown in Europe and England for centuries.
Growing Kumquats
The kumquat is a unique kind of citrus. This is suitable for home gardens in warm climates. They can also be grown indoors and in greenhouses in pots.
Growing Lemons
Lemons are much in demand. These do best in warm climates.
Growing Limes
The limes are among the most popular citrus. These are suitable for home gardens for those living in warm climates.
Growing Mad Hatter Pepper
Mad Hatter is a reliable, easy to grow pepper that is very early to yield.
Growing Mad Hatter Pepper
Mad Hatter is a reliable, easy to grow pepper that is very early to yield.
Growing Mandarins
The mandarin is a popular citrus. These are fairly easy to grow.
Growing Mulberries
Easy to grow, mulberries are care free plants that require minimal care. Give the long lived trees plenty of space.
Growing Myrtle
Myrtle is an easy to grow evergreen shrub or tree. It is hardy to zone eight. This is a great indoor plant as well as a bonsai and topiary.
Growing Pomegranates
The self pollinating pomegranate is easy to grow. These make great bonsai and espalier.
Growing Salsify
Salsify is an easy to grow winter root crop. A number of varieties are available.
Growing Sweet Oranges
Sweet oranges are probably the most widely cultivated citrus of all. These are suitable for sub-tropical and tropical climates.
Grpwing the Common Pitahaya or Dragon Fruit
The common pitahaya or dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) is the most widely grown of these woody cactus species. This is hardy to zone ten.
Half-high and Novelty Blueberries
When planning fruit plantings gardeners should consider the half-high and novelty blueberries.
Hansa and Scabrosa Rugosa Roses
Hansa and Scabrosa rugosa roses are superb plants for the edible landscape. These bear delicious rose hips.
Harvesting and Storing Pomegranates
Pomegranates are normally ready to harvest when they've reached their full color. Harvest typically begins in the fall.
Harvesting and Using Black Salsify
Black salsify was once a popular vegetable. This root crop has many culinary uses.
Harvesting and Using Mulberries
Mulberries are versatile fruits that ripen over a fairly long season. These can be eaten fresh and used in many recipes.
Harvesting and Using Olives
Olive fruits are easy to harvest. They can be used for oil or can be prepared as table olives.
Harvesting and Using Quince
The quince is among the most versatile fruits. In warm regions, these can be allowed to ripen on the plant.
Harvesting and Using Salsify
Salsify is a winter root crop that is best harvested after a frost. It has many uses in the kitchen.
Harvesting Melons
The best time to harvest melons is during the cooler part of the day. The flavor is generally better if these aren't chilled before serving.
Harvesting Pears and Expected Yields
Pear trees yield slightly less than apple trees. These should be picked before they're fully ripe in most cases.
Heirloom Apples for the Garden
There are many heirloom apples available. Here are several varieties for the home orchard.
Hewes Crab Apple
If I could only have one crab apple, it would be the Hewes. This is an outstanding heirloom variety.
Himrod and Niagara Grapes
Himrod and Niagara grapes are two grape varieties that are hard to beat.
History and Folklore of Crab Apples
Much history and folklore surrounds crab apple trees.
History and Origins of Ginger
The origins of ginger are unclear for the plant no longer exists in the wild. It is believed to have originated in East India.
History and Origins of Turmeric
Turmeric was originally native to East India. It is no longer found in the wild.
History and Use of Melons
Melons have a long, interesting history in Europe and the New World.
History of Barberries
The long lived European or common barberry was grown in both the Old and New World. It was very popular in England.
History of Kiwis
Most kiwis were originally grown in the West as ornamentals rather than for their fruits.
History of Pears
The history of pears began thousands of years ago.
History of Quince
Cultivated for over 4000 years, quince was widely popular among the ancient Greeks and Romans.
History of the Blueberry
The history of blueberries is fascinating.
History of the Orange
The orange has a long and interesting history around the world.
History of Watermelons
Watermelons were apparently native to tropical Africa. Historically, these were very popular crops in Africa and the Middle East, particularly in ancient Egypt.
Honeysweet and Other Pears
Along with the vegetables and herbs include some fruit plants. The Honeysweet and Korean Giant pears are good choices.
Insects and Diseases of Melons
All types of melons generally can suffer from the kinds of insect and disease problems. This includes watermelons.
Introduction to Mulberries
Mulberries are native to Africa, Asia, and North America. Most originated in Asia. Two are native to America.
Introduction to Pitahaya/Night Blooming Cereus
Pitahaya is known by various other names. These include dragon fruit and strawberry pear.
Introduction to Rhubarb
Rhubarb is often associated with spring because it is one of the earliest plants to begin sprouting earlier than most garden plants.
Irish Cobbler and Early Ohio Potatoes
Irish Cobbler and Early Ohio potatoes are two outstanding heirloom potato varieties
Jersey Hybrid Asparagus
The Jersey hybrid asparagus varieties are all or mostly male. These provide particularly high yields.
Kerr and Oregon Crab Apples
While some crab apples are native, others are cultivated varieties. Here are some great ornamental crabs with excellent quality fruits for culinary purposes.
Kieffer Pear
Gardeners can choose form nany kinds of fruit trees for their landscapes. Pears, such as the Kieffer, is a good choice for many areas of the country.
Kitchen Garden Book Reviews
The quality of home grown produce can't be beat. With that in mind, here are reviews of some vegetable and kitchen gardening books that will appeal to gardeners.
Kitchen Garden Cookbooks
Kitchen gardens offer bountiful harvests throughout the growing season. Kitchen gardeners will find the following cookbooks to be particularly useful.
Koroneiki, Picholine, and Other Olives
A number of olive varieties are suitable for American gardens. These include Koroneiki, Picholine, and others.
Lakemont and King of the North Grapes
When choosing grapes for the home garden keep Lakemont Seedless and the King of the North in mind. These are very disease resistant varieties.
Lettuce Leaf Basil and Lime Basil
Letttuce leaf basil and lime basil are two of the many fine basil varieties from which home gardeners can choose.
Louise Bonne of Jersey and Madeleine Pears
Many kinds of plants are suitable for the edible landscape. Pears, such as Madeleine, are a good choice.
Lovage-a Versatile Herb for the Kitchen Garden
Lovage is well worth including in herb and kitchen gardens and vegetable garden. This useful, versatile plant is a perennial.
Low Glycemic Potatoes
All potatoes aren't equal. Certain varieties are low glycemic. These include Magic Molly potatoes.
Macoun Apple
Macoun apple is a McIntosh and Jersey Black cross.
Mad Hatter Pepper-A Real Winner
Mad Hatter pepper is an award winning pepper that deserves a place in the home garden.
Madeleine Angevine and Marquette Grapes
Of the many fine grape varieties suitable for the home garden, Madeleine Angevine, Marquette, and Marquis Seedless are among the best.
Magness pear
When choosing pear trees for the home landscape consider modern and heirloom varieties. Magness is a delightful release dating from the 1960's.
Maxine and New Century Pears
When choosing fruit trees for the home orchard a mix of modern and heirloom varieties work well. Here are profiles of some recommended varieties.
McIntosh Apple-Great for Cider
McIntosh apple is a widely grown heirloom variety. It is a wonderful choice for cider.
Meader and Other Kiwi Varieties
Of the many kiwi varieties that are available, the following are well worth growing. These include Meader kiwi.
Medicinal Rhubarb History
The rhubarbs havebeen used for medicinal purposes since ancient times.
Melrose and Mutsu Apples
Melrose and Mutsu apples are two widely grown apples for home orchards.
Mission and Frantoio Olives
Mission and Frantoio olive trees are suitable for some regions of America. These are only two of the olive varieties that are grown in the U.S.
Modern Apples
There are a number of excellent modern apple varieties. The following are recommended for home orchards.
Moonglow and Anjou Pears
The Moonglow and Anjou pears are delightful choices for the home orchard. Here are details on growing these two varieties.
More Low Glycemic Potatoes
Nicola and Katahdin potatoes are two low glycemic varieties. These are suitable for low carb diets.
More on Asian Pears
It is fairly easy to grow Asian pears. Here are details on planting, pollination, and care.
More on the Seckel Pear
Here is detailed information on growing, harvesting, and using the wonderful Seckel pear.
More Pear History
The history of European pears is a fascinating story.
Mrs. Burns Lemon Basil and Lemon Basil
Gardeners can choose from a number of citrus flavored basils. These include lemon basil as well as Mrs. Burns lemon basil.
Myrtle Description
Myrtle is a lovely evergreen shrub or tree that is quite suitable for warm climates. The scented white blooms are gorgeous.
Myrtle Origins and Varieties
Native to the Old World, myrtle was cultivated in ancient times by the Romans, Greeks, and others. Numerous varieties of this plant are available.
Napoletano and Persian Basils
Napoletano and award winning Persian basils are two highly recommended basil varieties for home gardens and landscapes.
New World Grape History
There are a number of native grape species in America. In addition the European grapes were also introduced to the New World by the Europeans.
Nitaka and Orcas Pears
Pears are a good choice for many areas of the country. Both the heirloom and modern varieties, such as Nitaka and Orcas, are good for landscapes.
Old and New Potato Varieties
The Russet Burbank potato is a long time favorite, while the Snowden is a modern variety. Both are recommended for home gardens.
Old Cider Apples
There are quite a few apple varieties that are traditionally used for cider.
Old Traditional Cider Apples
There are a number of apple varieties that are used for cider.
Old World Grape History
Humans have enjoyed grapes for thousands of years. The European grape is now grown worldwide.
Olive in Etrusca and Rome
Prior to the arrival of olive trees in ancient Rome, the Etruscan people grew these in some other regions of Italy.
Olive in European Life and Culture
Olive trees as well as olive groves and olives played a role in European life and culture after the fall of the Roman Empire.
Olive Tree in the Ancient Mediterranean Region
In ancient times, the olive tree played a major role in the Mediterranean area. This was true for those on ancient Crete as well as the Phoenicians, Minoans, and the Mycenae people.
Olive Trees in Ancient Italy
Olive trees arrived in Italy prior to the Roman Empire. However, the empire was responsible for the spread of olive cultivation throughout the Mediterranean basin.
Olive Trees in Modern Europe
Olive trees continue to play a role in modern European life. To this day, olive oil remains an integral part of the Mediterranean diet.
Orient and Passe Crassone Pears
Fruit trees earn their keep. Pears are a good choice for most areas. Here are profiles of several varieties.
Orleans Reinette and Wagener Apples
Orleans Reinette and Wagener apples are great choices for the home orchard.
Ornamental Rhubarbs for the Landscape
The ornamental rhubarbs are best known for their large foliage. Some species are quite colorful.
Outstanding American Persimmon Varieties
Named varieties of American persimmons are generally superior to seedlings. Some of the outstanding types include the following.
Outstanding Asian Persimmon Varieties
Of the superior Asian persimmon varieties, the following stand out from the crowd.
Outstanding Asparagus Varieties
A number of asparagus varieties are available to home gardeners. The following varieties have proven to be outstanding.
Outstanding Kiwi Varieties
There are many outstanding kiwi varieties that are available. These include Issai hardy kiwi.
Outstanding Mulberry Varieties
A number of mulberry varieties are available to gardeners. Some of the outstanding varieties include the following.
Patten and Pineapple Pears
Fruit plants of all sorts are a good choice for the home landscape. The Patten and Pineapple pears are excellent varieties.
Pear Propagation and Care
Pears are generally budded or grafted onto a rootstock. These usually aren't grown from seeds.
Pear Tree Description/Background
Pears can live for at least 50 years. These trees are more upright and vertical than apple trees.
Pears in the New World
Pear trees were planted early in Colonial America by Europeans.
Pedro and Other Walnut Varieties
Home gardeners can choose from a number of walnut tree varieties. Some are more hardy than others. Here are some outstanding varieties.
Pendolino, Picual, and Other Olive Varieties
Pendolino, Picual, and Sevillano are only some of the olive varieties that are grown in the U.S.
Perry Pears
Perry pears have been in use for several thousand years. These pear trees are easy to grow.
Pests and Diseases of Pears
A number of different pests and diseases can occur on pears. The most common problems are fire blight and codling moth.
Peter Wilcox Potato
Peter Wilcox potato is also known as Blue Gold potato due to the skin and flesh color.
Planting and Caring for Crab Apples
Crab apple trees are easy to grow.
Planting and Caring for Pomegranate Plants
Pomegranate is easy to transplant. It requires a minimum of care and is generally free of pests and diseases.
Planting Buckwheat
Buckwheat is easy to grow. This is recommended as a green manure/cover crop and small grain.
Planting Melons
Plant melons in the spring after the soil is sufficiently warm. These are quite sensitive to frost.
Pollination and Planting of Pear Trees
Most European pear trees will need cross-pollination as do some Asian pear varieties. Here are details on the pollination needs and planting of these trees.
Pomegranate Description and Distribution
The pomegranate is the sole member of the pomegranate family. Moderately long lived, these can bear good fruit crops for 20 years or so.
Pomegranate in Ancient Egypt
The pomegranate grew in both Egypt and Greece in ancient times.
Pomegranate in Ancient Rome
The pomegranate was introduced to Rome from ancient Carthage. The ancient Romans grew various kinds of pomegranates.
Pomegranate in Ancient Times
Pomegranate is among the oldest cultivated fruits. By around 4000 B.C., it was grown in Iran and Turkey.
Pomegranate in Biblical Times
The pomegranate is a suitable choice for Biblical gardens. This was grown in the Holy Land during Biblical times.
Pomegranate in England and the New World
Pomegranate has been grown in England at least since the 1600s. The plant was introduced to the New World by the Spanish.
Pomegranate in Europe
The pomegranate plant reappeared in Europe some time after the fall of the Roman Empire. It was feature on medieval menus.
Pomegranate in the Islamic World
The pomegranate is mentioned in the Koran. It occurs when there is a description of "heavenly paradise."
Pomegranate Varieties
Gardeners can choose from many varieties of the pomegranate. Single and double flowered types are available.
Potato Varieties for Northern Gardens
Some potato varieties are ideal for Northern gardens. These include Chieftain and Caribou Russet potatoes.
Potato Varieties for Small Gardens
Canela Russet and Austrian Crescent potatoes are two space saving varieties for small gardens.
Potatoes for All Regions
Certain potato varieties are well suited to both the North and South. These include Caribe potato and Russet Norkotah potato.
Potatoes for Problem Soils
Certain potato varieties are known to tolerate wet or poor soils. These include Red Pontiac and Red Gold potatoes.
Potatoes Rich in Antioxidants
Some potto varieties are especially rich in antioxidants. These include Purple Majesty and Mountain Rose potato
Potomac and Other Pears
Gardeners can choose form many kinds of pears. The following are highly recommended for the home orchard and edible landscape.
Potted Fruits in the Landscape
Annuals are by far the most popular container plants in the landscape. Yet many other kinds are suitable for growing in pots.
Prairie and Prairie Spy Crab Apples
When it comes time to choose a flowering tree, consider the native prairie crab and the Prairie Spy crab. These fruits are excellent for culinary purposes.
Profumo and Round Midnight Basils
Of the many fine basils that are available to gardeners, Round Midnight and Profumo are two highly recommended ones.
Pruning and Uses for Pears
Pears are an ancient fruit that can be used for many culinary purposes. The young trees require some pruning and training.
Purple Ruffles Basil and Purple Basils
The various kinds of purple basils can be used to bring unusual color to the garden. Purple ruffles basil is one brightly colored variety.
Quince in Post-Roman Europe and America
After the fall of the Roman Empire, quince continued to remain popular in Europe. This was also introduced to the New World.
Recommended Persimmon Species
Persimmon trees are a great addition to the landscape. There are four species suitable for American gardens.
Recommended Kiwi Varieties
Here are some details on some highly recommended kiwi varieties for home landscapes.
Recommended Mulberry Varieties
There is a suitable mulberry tree for most any landscape situation from patios and pots to fruit gardens. Here are profiles of some outstanding ones that are well worth considering.
Recommended Pomegranate Varieties
A number of pomegranate varieties are available to American gardeners. These include both heirloom ones, such as Plantation Sweet, as well as newer types.
Recommended Quince Varieties
Of the various quince varieties, the following are recommended.
Recommended Rhubarb Varieties
A number of very fine rhubarb varieties are available to home gardeners in America. The following are highly recommended.
Red Bartlett and Rescue Pear
Some pears stand out from the crowd. Red Bartlett and Rescue are two wonderful varieties for the home garden.
Red Cloud and Kennebec Potatoes
Red Cloud and Kennebec potatoes are two special potato varieties that are ideally suited to home gardens.
Red Jade and Red Siberian Crabs
Of the many fine crab apple v arieties available, the Red Jade is an outstanding ornamental along with the Red Siberian.
Red Mulberry
Red mulberry is a fast growing, adaptable, native tree that is suitable for many areas of the U.S.
Redbud and Ralph Shay Crabs
With so many wonderful crab apple varieties, it can be hard to choose a tree for the landscape.
Reliance and Price Grapes
The Reliance and Price grapes are outstanding varieties for the home garden. These are disease resistant grapes.
Requirements for Growing Pears
The hardiness and chill requirements can differ from one pear variety to another. Here are details on growing pears.
Rhode Island Greening Apple
The Rhode Island Greening apple is a popular heirloom variety that originated in Colonial times.
Rhubarb Description and Toxic Issues
Rhubarb is attractive enough to grow in mixed borders and edible landscapes. The cooked leaf stalks have many uses, but the leaves are toxic.
Rhubarb Harvesting and Problems
Rhubarb is relatively easy to grow. However, it can possibly suffer from a few problems, including bolting.
Rome Beauty-Apples-- Great for cider
Rome Beauty apples make a wonderful cider. This is also widely used as a cooking apple.
Rousselet and Santa Claus Pears
There are some delightful heirloom pears available. Thee are suitable for home orchards.
Roxbury Russet Apple
Roxbury russet apple is one of the best known old time russets in America.
Santiam Filberts and other Varieties
Santiam filberts and Yamhill filberts are only two of many outstanding varieties. Here are details on these varieties.
Seckel Pear
The Seckel is a unique highly lauded American pear.
Selected Asian Persimmon Varieties
The following Asian persimmon varieties are well suited to American gardens.
Selected Pomegranate Varieties
A number of pomegranate varieties are available in North America. Among these are popular types, such as Wonderful and Eversweet pomegranates.
Sheldon and Other Pears
Many kinds of pears are suitable for the fruit garden. The Sheldon and Shin Li Asian are highly recommended.
Shinseiki and Other Pears
Fruit trees deserve a place in the edible landscape. Here are profiles of the Shinseiki pear and others.
Siberian and Southern Crabs
When one is choosing a species of crab apple, there are many wonderful kinds available. The Siberian and Southern crab apples are especially ornamental and bear edible fruits.
Skirret Uses and History
Skirret has been used as a human food since ancient times. This largely neglected vegetable originated in Eurasia.
Some 1930's Apple Varieties
A number of outstanding fruit trees originated in the 1930's and 40's. Here are several apple varieties to consider when planning your home orchard.
Some Crab Apples for the Edible Landscape
When considering trees for the edible landscape, consider the crabs. These plants offer edible fruits that are used for various culinary purposes.
Some Delightful Pear Varieties
When it comes to fruit trees pears are considered the aristocrats of the fruit world. The Summer Blood Birne and Summercrisp are wonderful pear varieties.
Some Delightful Pears
Many kinds of fruit trees are suitable for the home landscape. There are some wondeerful heirloom pears, including Beurre Superfin.
Some Disease Resistant Apples
Disease resistant apples are especially suitable for organic gardens. A number of varieties are available.
Some Excellent Crab Apples
Whether you're choosing a crab apple for a home orchard or for a garden, there are many excellent varieties. Here are some that bear excellent crops of edible fruits.
Some Excellent Highbush Blueberries
There are many excellent hughbush blueberry varieties, including the following.
Some Excellent Kiwi Varieties
The following are some excellent kiwi varieties. These include Hayward fuzzy kiwi.
Some Great Heirloom Apples
Among the heirloom apples are some great ones that are perfect for modern gardens.
Some Great Heirloom Apples
When planning the home orchard, include some heirloom apples. These are well worth growing.
Some Great Modern Apples
Of the many modern apple varieties some stand out from the crowd.
Some Heirloom Crab Apples
Among the many fine crab apples are several heirloom varieties that are outstanding. These include River crab and Sargent crab.
Some Heirloom European pears
Among the European pears are many wonderful heirloom varieties. Here are details on some pears that are suitable for the edible landscape.
Some Heirloom Potatoes
Many excellent heirloom varieties of potatoes are suitable for the home garden. These include the following.
Some Highbush Blueberries
The highbush blueberries are highly popilar. Here are details on some well known varieties.
Some Highly Recommended Russet Apples
Among the russet apple trees, there are some outstanding ones, including Hunt and fall russet.
Some Mulberry Varieties
A number of mulberries are available for landscapes. Here are profiles of selected ones.
Some Outstanding Russet Apples
Of the various kinds of russet apples that are available, some are quite outstanding. These include sweet russet and Windham russet apple
Some Outstanding Blueberries
Home gradeners can choose from many fine blueberry varieties, including the following.
Some Outstanding Rhubarb Varieties
The following are some of the most outstanding red varieties of rhubarb that are available for home gardeners.
Some Popular Asian Persimmon Varieties
Some of the Asian persimmons are very popular. These include Fuyo and Hachiya as well as a few others.
Some Recommended Garden Books
A number of gardening books focus on vegetables and other crops for the edible landscape. Here are some recommended titles.
Some Recommended Walnut Varieties
A number of walnut tree varieties are available. Here are some recommended varieties.
Some Reliable Kiwi Varieties
Many kiwi varieties are available to home gardeners. Here are details on some highly reliable ones.
Some Reliable Potato Varieties
Some potatoes are so reliable they can withstand adverse growing conditions.Lehigh potato is one such variety.
Some Specialty Potatoes
Certain specialty potatoes stand out from the crowd. Pinto Gold potato has a long shelf life, while Harvest Moon is delicious without butter or salt.
Some Unique Potato Varieties
The following potato varieties are unique for one reason or another. With Strawberry Paw, the unique color of the skin and the name stand out while Carola potato is called one of the best potatoes available.
Some Unusual Apples for the Garden
Along with the commonly known varieties, choose some unusual apples for your garden.
Space Saving Gardening Ideas
Gardeners can choose from many space saving plants for the edible landscape. There are compact varieties is most every category.
Space Saving Veggie Varieties
The Kitchen Minis are space saving veggie plants. These can be grown indoors and outdoors.
Specialty Potatoes for the Edible Landscape
Home-grown potatoes come in a rainbow of colors.
Spicy Globe and Siam Queen Basils
Spicy Glove and Siam Queen basils are two very popular varieties. These are suitable for herb gardens, home gardens, and landscapes.
Spinach for the Edible Landscape
Spinach is an ideal choice for the kitchen garden.
Splitleaf Philodendron
Splitleaf philodendron is a stunning foliage houseplant that bears edible fruits.
St. Croix and St. Theresa Grapes
Home gardeners can choose from many great grape varieties. St. Croix, St. Theresa, and Somerset Seedless grapes are highly recommended.
Sunflowers for the Landscape
Sunflowers have many uses in the landscape.
Superior and Elba Potatoes
Superior and Elba potatoes are two varieties that can withstand variable growing conditions.
Sweet Dani Lemon Basil and Holy Basil
Holy basil and Sweet Dani lemon basil are two widely grown types of basil. These have many uses in the garden and landscape.
Tartary and Other Buckwheats
In addition to the common buckwheat there are several other species suitable for home gardens and homesteads.
The Aurora and Beurre Picard Pears
When choosing pear varieties for the home orchard there are many varieties from which we can choose. Here are details on a new modern variety and a beloved heirloom.
The Baldwin Apple
When it comes time to choose apples for the home orchard, there are so many fine heirloom varieties. Baldwin is one of those.
The Beautiful Crab Apple
Extremely hardy, crab apple trees are very showy.
The Best Rabbiteye Blueberries
There are many varieties of rabbiteye blueberries. Herre are details on some of the best ones.
The Best Tasting Potato Varieties
Dark Red Norland and Purple Viking potatoes happen to be two of the best tasting potatoes. These are recommended for home gardens.
The Cabbage Roses
The cabbage rose is among the oldest and the most popular old garden roses.
The Chapin and Colette Pears
Home orchards are more popular than ever. Fruit trees are also a good choice for the home landscape. Here are profiles of some highly recommended pear varieties.
The Columbia and Dana Hovey Pears
Both the European and Asian pears are suitable for home orchards. You won't go wrong with Conference and Dana Hovey pears.
The Concord Grape
The Concord is a delightful all purpose grape. It is extremely disease resistant.
The Conference and Daisui Li Pears
When choosing pear trees for the home landscape and home orchards do consider the heirloom varieties.
The Edible Landscape
Tasty tomatoes,freshly harvested lettuce, and succulent ripe strawberries. Enjoy this and more from the edible landscape.
The Edible Landscape
Tasty tomatoes picked at the peak of perfection, freshly harvested lettuce, and succulent ripe strawberries. If you want them, you´ll have to grow them yourself.
The Fairy Shrub Rose
The Fairy rose is by far my favorite rose. It is a very special polyantha variety.
The Ginger Plant
Ginger is a tropical perennial that belongs to the ginger family.
The Golden Russet Apple
The Golden Russet apple is a delightful heirloom variety.
The Hosui Asian Pear
When planning the eidlbe landscape include some fruit plants. The Hosui Asian pear is a very good choice.
The Kitchen Garden Yields Home Grown Produce
A well-planned kitchen garden containing a variety of vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers is the solution to quick meals.
The Many Uses of Barberries
Barberry fruits can be used in so many different ways. The leaves, twigs, inner bark and roots are also quite useful.
The Many Uses of Rhubarb
Entire cookbooks have been written on rhubarb. This fruit is so versatile.
The McIntosh Apple
The McIntosh apple is now a classic apple and remains one of the most popular all purpose varieties.
The Nelis Pears
There are several types of Nelis pears. These are wonderful heirloom varieties.
The Neptune and Mars Grapes
There are a number of wonderful disease resistant grape varieties. Here are details for the Neptune and some others.
The Olive Tree
The long lived olive tree has been grown for thousands of years.
The Olive Tree in Ancient Greece
The olive tree was an ideal choice for farmers in ancient Greece.
The Paw Paw
The paw paw is a unique native fruit in America. This is a member of the custard apple family.
The Pomegranate Fruit
The edible pomegranate is a very lovely, uniquely shaped fruit. The color of the rind, pulp, juice, and seeds can vary widely according to the variety.
The Three Sisters Garden
The Three Sisters Garden is very traditional.
The Urbaniste Pear
The heirloom fruits are desirable plants for the landscape. The Urbaniste pear is a wonderful variety.
The Winesap Apple-Great for Cider
The Winesap apple is an heirloom first described in 1817. It is a perfect choice for cider.
The Wonderful Russet Apples
Due to their superior quality, the russet apples have long been favorites among home gardeners.
The York Imperial Apple
If I only had room for one apple tree I would choose the York Imperial.
Thomcord and Traminette Grapes
Many grape varieties are suitable for home orchards. The following are sure to please.
Three Wonderful Heirloom Potatoes
Bintje, Tom Thumb and Yellow Finn potatoes are three wonderful heirloom varieties for the home garden.
When you're planning your 2010 garden do make room for Tomaccio. This new gourmet cherry tomato is the best tasting variety around.
Transcendent and Wealthy Crab Apples
There are some wonderful heirloom varieties of crab apples. Here are some recommended ones.
Tsu Li and Tyson Pears
When it comes to fruit trees nothing beats pears. The Tsu Li and Tyson pears are highly recommended for the edible landscape.
Two Very Tasty Potato Varieties
The German Butterball and the Russian Banana potatoes are two of the most flavorful of all the potato varieties
Ubileen and Vermont Beauty Pears
Consider some fruit trees along with other edible crops for the landscape. The Ubileen and Vermont Beauty pears are good choices.
Ugli Fruit and Pommelo
The Ugli fruiit and the pommelo are two unusual types of fruits. These are suitable for home gardens in warm climates.
Useful Crab Apples
Crab apples are among the most useful plants we can grow.
Uses for Home Grown Ginger
Home grown ginger roots can be used for culinary and non-culinary purposes.
Uses for Home Grown Turmeric
Home grown turmeric can be used for culinary and non-culinary purposes.
Uses for Parsley and Assorted Herbs
Parsley, fennel, caraway, and chervil have many culinary uses. They are also used for other purposes as well.
Vanessa and Worden Grapes
Worden and Vanessa grapes are two wonderful grape varieties that are suited to home gardens.
Vegetable Gardening Book Review
In hard times people turn to their gardens for food. This new vegetable gardening book by Eliot Coleman is an especially helpful title.
Vegetable Gardening Books for Beginners
A number of gardening books offer expert advice to novice gardeners. Here are reviews of some excellent titles for beginners.
Vegetables in the Edible Landscape
The landscape can fulfill many functions, both practical and aesthetic. Among the functional uses is when we create kitchen gardens, culinary herb gardens, and edible landscapes.
Vicar of Winkfield Pear
There are many wonderful heirloom varieties for the edible landscape, including the delightful Vicar of Winkfield pear.
Victoria Rhubarb
Of the many rhubarb varieties, Victoria rhubarb is one of the best known and popular ones. It was named for Queen Victoria.
Warren and White Doyenne Pears
Fruit trees are a good choice for the home landscape. Here are some recommended varieties of pears.
Wassailing the Apple Trees
At its very heart the custom of wassailing an apple tree is a fertility rite.
Space saving watermelon plants are available. These include Early Moonbeam and Sugar Baby.
White Mulberry
White mulberry has been grown for over five thousand years as food for silkworms in China. It has been introduced to many other parts of the world.
Winter Melons
Winter melons ripen late in the season and store especially well, sometimes for several months.
Yukon Gold and Yukon Gem Potatoes
Yukon Gold potato and its offspring, Yukon Gem are highly recommended for home gardens.
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