
Appropriate Uses for Facebook
How we use Facebook vis-a-vis our sons changes over time. Don't forget to reevaluate what you share about your son, and with whom you share it, as he gets older.
Boys and Violent Video Games
Studies' results conflict as to whether playing violent video games can cause aggression in boys. Understanding more about those studies and their results can help you to make an informed decision about whether to let your son play them.
Building Good Habits in Boys
Building good habits in our sons is essential. Begin with building the habit of quiet time, in order to teach your son how to eliminate distractions so that he will be able to engage in self-reflection later on in life.
Bullies and Bullying
Bullying is a real problem. Here are practical ideas for helping a child who is a bully or is being bullied.
Dealing with Parenting Suggestions
Especially if you're the mother of a boy, you can expect to get criticized for the way you are raising your son. This article will provide a few tips for how to deal with the critics.
Establishing Boundaries with Your Son
In some ways, parenting has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. Parents tend to be more involved in their children's lives and boundaries have become blurred. What do you need to know to parent your son successfully today?
Forgiving Yourself
While guilt can be a great motivator, it can also create a major distraction in your life. It's time to forgive yourself, and acknowledge that you are doing the best you can for your family at this moment in time.
Getting Your Son to Clean His Room
Getting your son to clean his room does not have to be a battle. Using one or more of these strategies can take the pain out of having your son clean his room.
Getting Your Son to Read
There are so many reasons to encourage your son to read. Some moms wonder, though, if it matters what their sons read, or if it is just the reading itself that counts. This article gives you some opinions.
Giving Time Out to Your Son
How you handle time outs has much to do with why you use them. This article tells you two common time out methods to help you decide which one is right for your son.
Good Advice for Sons and for Moms
One thing that I have learned about parenting is that, often, what is good advice for my son is good advice for me. Here are the most common things I tell my son that I find apply to me, too.
Holiday Volunteer Opportunities
Wouldn’t it be nice to show our sons the joy of giving to people they don’t know, especially to children who don’t have anything else this holiday season? If you’re looking for a way to show your son how to give to those less fortunate this holiday season, consider one of the following.
How to Deal with Talking Back
Most boys will talk back at one time or another, but employing a strategy from the beginning, and always following it consistently, will help minimize the impact this frustrating habit may have on you and your family.
Is Santa Claus Real?
Regardless of how your family handles the issue of Santa Claus, it is almost inevitable that you will, at some point, hear the question, "Is Santa Claus real?"
Leaving Your Son for the First Time
Whether your son is an infant or a teenager, the first time you have to leave him for any length of time will likely be very hard for both of you. Here are some strategies for helping both you and your son cope with this initial separation.
Leaving Your Son Home Alone
The decision to leave one's son home alone can be a difficult one. Here are some things to consider before taking this step.
Managing Your Expectations of Your Son
Many mothers, especially those raising their first son, find out much later in life that they simply expected too much of him. Has this happened to you?
Meeting Your Son Where He Is
It is sometimes tempting for parents to expect their sons to know where they are coming from. Try meeting your son where he is just once this week and see what kind of a difference it makes in your home.
Naming Your Son
Naming your son will be the first major decision you make for him. This decision should be fun and not stressful! If this decision is causing you stress, use these basic outlines to help you make a great choice!
New Year's Resolutions
New Year's resolutions can be a valuable teaching tool for you and your son.
New Year's Resolutions - Yes or No?
Take the pressure off of change by teaching your son to make goals and resolutions year-round, rather than on New Year's Day.
No Boys are Bad
We all know that words matter. In this article, I explain why I think it is so important to describe our sons as naughty, rather than as bad.
Respecting Your Son's Privacy
No parent wants to deliberately violate her son's privacy, but how much privacy is he entitled to? When does it become a parent's responsibility to invade her son's privacy? How can it best be accomplished?
Role Models for Boys
Finding relevant role models for our sons can be a challenge. Ironically, the most relevant role models may be the ones we would never think of at all: Greek gods and heroes!
Should You Parent Your Boys Differently?
Are boys and girls really different? Can you parent them the same way? Should you expect the same things from them? From an early age, boys begin to display key differences from girls, and the ways in which you adapt to these differences may impact the quality of your parental relationship.
Strategies for Parenting Young Boys
Young boys don't have to cause a mom stress and worry. A little insight can go a long way, as these basic observations demonstrate!
Teaching Your Son to Write Thank You Notes
Writing thank you notes may be thought of as passe, but there are still very good reasons to acquaint your son with the habit!
The Best Car Insurance Rates for Your Son
Having a teenage driver in the family, especially a son, can wreak havoc on the family budget. By doing your research and investigating all of your car insurance options, though, you can save money and enjoy this stage of your son's life!
The Five Things Every Mom Needs In Her Purse
Ditching the diaper bag is one of the first signs that your son is growing up, and as long as you keep your purse stocked with these key essentials, you can enjoy this phase of his life as much as you loved the baby phase.
The French Model of Parenting
Last year it was the Tiger Mom. This year it's the French Model of Parenting. Do you ever feel like everyone gets parenting right but you?
Things No One Will Tell You About Your Newborn Son
There are hundreds of books that will tell you all about breastfeeding, co-sleeping, circumcision, cloth diapering, etc. Here are the things I wish someone had told me before my sons were born.
What if I Screw Up My Son?
Many moms worry that the way they parent their sons may result in their sons ending up in therapy as adults. Read on to assuage similar fears you may have.
What is Operant Conditioning?
If you have the kind of son who loves to push your buttons and who doesn’t respond well to punishment (i.e., you haven’t really been able to find his “currency”), operant conditioning may just be the thing for you to try.
What to do When Your Son Makes Bad Friend Choices
When your son is a toddler, you get to pick his friends. Often, they will be the sons of your own friends. As soon as your son is old enough to develop preferences, though, he will undoubtedly choose his own friends. What is a mother to do when he makes less than desirable choices?
When to Leave Your Son Home Alone
Determining at what age to leave your son home alone can be difficult. This article will help you to decide when your son is ready to take this big step.
When to Let Your Son go to the Men's Restroom
Deciding when to let your son go to the men's restroom by himself, rather than accompanying you to the ladies' room is a big decision. Here are some ideas to help.
Why a Boy Needs a Dog
A boy and his dog is a cliche, but there are many reasons why boys and dogs go together like peanut butter and jelly!
Why Mothers Should Never Compare Themselves
For mothers, there is an almost overwhelming temptation to compare their own "performance" with that of other mothers. Find out why this approach makes no sense whatsoever, and free yourself from the painful business of comparisons forever.
Words of Encouragement for Moms
There is no perfect way to mother your children, and there is no model for the ideal mother. If you love your children and they love you, consider yourself a successful mom!
Your New Identity as a Mom
Having a baby changes everything in your life, particularly your concept of self. Is there a way to regain part of yourself and still be someone's mom?
Your Son's Cell Phone Usage
The increased technology in the present generation presents new parenting challenges. For ideas on how to handle one of them, cell phones, read on!
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