Breastfeeding Information

Arm's Reach Mini CoSleeper Review
The Arm's Reach Mini CoSleeper can be a great help to nursing moms. Here's my observations after using one for 7 months with my second daughter.
Becky´s Breastfeeding Information Library [offsite link]
More than 35 excellent articles, written by a board certified lactation consultant, on mothers´ most frequently asked questions.
Blocked Tear Ducts and Breastmilk
Breastmilk is often recommended by pediatricians as a treatment for babies with blocked tear ducts. More information, my own personal experience, and how breastmilk fits in.
Breastfeeding and Babywearing – Pouches and Slings
Slings and pouches are truly helpful for breastfeeding and baby care – especially with infants and newborns. Here's some information, tips and tricks for nursing with a sling or pouch.
Breastfeeding and Commercial Diet Plans
Information for Breastfeeding mothers interested in managing weight loss with the assistance of common commercial diet plans, while protecting milk supply and infant growth.
Breastfeeding and Dietary Restrictions
Are there foods that all breastfeeding mothers must avoid? Not really... explore this commonly held myth.
Breastfeeding and Intimacy
A discussion of sexual intimacy after childbirth and the hormonal and psychological implications for nursing mothers.
Breastfeeding and Naps
Even among breastfeeding advocates, there is always some debate over whether or not it is a good idea to nurse children to sleep, especially for naps. Explore the debate and my recommendation on naps.
Breastfeeding and Naps - My Experience
Even among breastfeeding advocates, there is always some debate over whether or not it is a good idea to nurse children to sleep, especially for naps. Here's my experience with my two daughters and how I handed nursing and naps.
Breastfeeding and Older Siblings
Ideas and tips for nursing a newborn baby while caring for an involving an older child.
Breastfeeding and Smoking
While quitting smoking is ideal when pregnant and breastfeeding, it is still better to breastfeed and smoke than to not breastfeed and smoke. Tips and important information for mothers who can't or won't quit or have those in the household who smoke.
Breastfeeding and Weight Loss
Weight loss is often an important issue for new mothers. Nursing mothers often hear how easy and rapid weight loss is a great benefit of breastfeeding. But sometimes after a few months, more of that pregnancy belly is still around than mothers would like. So is dieting safe while breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding at [offsite link]
Lots of articles from parenting experts Dr. William and Martha Sears. Topics include benefits of breastfeeding, rightstart techniques, common problems, breastfeeding while working, medications and breastfeeding, breastfeeding in special situations and more.
Breastfeeding Basics [offsite link]
More 35 excellent articles on breastfeeding topics written by a board certified lactation consultant. Also includes a Q&A area and media updates.
Breastfeeding Myths
Five Breastfeeding Myths -- Can you answer true or false correctly for all 5?
Breastfeeding through Illness or Injury
Nursing a child through an illness or injury may not be at the top (or even on!) many "Benefits of Breastfeeding" lists, but I have found it to be one of the most important perks.
Cluster Feeding Breastfed Babies
It is very common for newborn breastfed babies to have a cranky period of constant feeding known as a cluster feed. Information about cluster feeding and my strategy to deal with this temporary but sometimes trying phenomenon.
Comfort Nursing - Newborns and Infants
Nursing mothers are often worried about, or criticized about, whether their babies should be nursing "just for comfort." But with newborns and infants all nursing is comfort nursing! Information about nursing for comfort with infants and older children.
Common Breastfeeding Myths
Five Common Breastfeeding Myths -- Can you answer true or false correctly for all 5?
Common Sense Breastfeeding Topics [offsite link]
These articles, written by board certified lactation consultant and LLL Leader Diane Wiessinger, cover topics such as the early days, how breastfeeding works, dealing with others and the older baby. Don´t miss her article What if I want to wean my baby?
CoSleeping and Breastfeeding - Safety and Benefits
Discusses issues surrounding cosleeping with your breastfed baby, including safety and benefits. Includes links to safe cosleeping sites and advice from pediatric and behavioral sleep experts.
Cosleeping and Breastfeeding – A Family Choice
Whether to cosleep with your breastfeeding baby is a choice that needs to be made based upon what is right for your baby and family. Here's some things to know and consider when deciding if cosleeping is right for you.
Dads and Breastfeeding
Resources on the role of fathers when a baby breastfeeds.
Dehydration and Breastfeeding
Did you know that an actively breastfeeding baby can stll become dehydrated while ill? I didn't. Benefit from my experience during my daughter's bout with roseola to help avoid this nasty little complication.
Dental Issues
The belief that nursing causes tooth decay is a myth. Here are some links to provide information.
Dr. Jay Gordon [offsite link]
This website was co-founded by pediatrician Jay Gordon, MD, FAAP, IBCLC and breastfeeding advocate Cheryl Taylor White, BA, MME. Includes expert articles on breastfeeding, pediatric medicine, nutrition, parenting and alternative medicine.
Drinking Alcohol While Breastfeeding
Is it safe to drink alcohol while breastfeeding? Addresses the scientific, psychological and practical considerations when deciding whether to indulge in a drink while nursing.
Drinking while Breastfeeding – Pumping and Dumping
There is a common misconception that breastfeeding mothers who drink an alcoholic beverage must "pump and dump," that is, pump and throw away their breast milk before feeding their babies. Do mothers even need to pump and dump? Why or why not?
Even More Breastfeeding Myths
Five More Breastfeeding Myths -- Can you answer true or false correctly for all 5?
Fertility and Breastfeeding
A basic understanding of the effect of breastfeeding on fertility.
First Foods for Breastfed Babies
Introducing first foods to a breastfed baby can be a confusing prospect. Here's some suggestions and thoughts on the process of introducing solid foods.
Foremilk and Hindmilk
There is a great deal of confusion among breastfeeding mothers over the issue of foremilk and hindmilk. The names give the impression of two distinctly different types of milk produced by the breast, when this is far from the truth. Information about foremilk and hindmilk.
Getting Pregnant while Breastfeeding
Many women, especially those who wait until they are older to start having children, are concerned about their ability to get pregnant if they breastfeed. Explore facts and myths on this topic.
Infant Loss and Breast Milk Production
It is easy to forget that women who experience the crushing tragedy of infant demise, stillbirth or even late-term miscarriage will still have to face the reality of dealing with the onset of breast milk production. Here is some helpful information on reducing and stopping milk production.
Kellymom [offsite link]
Includes extensive articles addressing mothers´ questions about common breastfeeding concerns, nursing older infants, nursing after the first year, breastfeeding and medications/herbs, nutrition, parenting and more.
La Leche League International [offsite link]
The foremost authority on breastfeeding today has an award-winning website, too! Among other things, you can: locate a local LLL group or accredited Leader in your area, read breastfeeding articles by mothers and breastfeeding experts, browse through the LLL product catalog, get information about breastfeeding and the law, fill out a Breastfeeding Help Form, or attend an online LLL Group meeting.
Medicinal Uses of Breastmilk
I have received many emails asking for more information regarding medicinal uses of breastmilk. This topic tends to arouse a good bit of curiosity and wonder – as well it should – breastmilk is somewhat of a miraculous cure for many maladies.
More Breastfeeding Myths
Five More Breastfeeding Myths -- Can you answer true or false correctly for all 5?
Nursing a Sick Child
Breastfeeding can be invaluable when your child is ill. Here's a couple things you should know about nursing your sick child.
Single-Side Breastfeeding
Many mothers ask me if and how they can feed on only one breast per feeding? Discusses when this might be appropriate and how to give it a try.
Stimulating a Letdown
Stimulating a letdown can be tricky business, whether nursing your baby or pumping. Here's some tips to get the milk flowing...
Using a Breastfeeding Tracker or Timer
Are breastfeeding timers and trackers helpful to nursing mothers. Why and why not.
Vaccines and Breastfeeding
Accepting, foregoing, delaying or picking and choosing childhood vaccinations is an increasingly hot debate topic for parents and health practitioners. See how breastfeeding figures in to the decision-making process, how to find a vaccine-flexible doctor and resources you can consult to learn more.
When to Wean -- About Mother-Led Weaning
According to the AAP, mothers should nurse "at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child." In exploring that recommendation, we'll address the approach of Mother-Led Weaning.
When to Wean -- Child-Led Weaning
According to the AAP, mothers should nurse "at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child." In exploring that recommendation, we'll address the approach of Child-Led Weaning.
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