Daginne Aignend
Daginne Aignend is a pseudonym for the Dutch poet Inge Wesdijk.
She likes hard rock, photography and fantasy books. She is a vegetarian and adores her animals.
Daginne writes English poetry since 5 years and is the co-editor of Degenerate Literature, a poetry/fiction/arts Ezine
She has been published in several Poetry Journals and in the anthologies ´Where Are You From?´ and ´Dandelion in a Vase of Roses´.
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Terry Allen
Terry Allen is an Emeritus Professor of Theatre Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, where he taught acting, directing and playwriting. He directed well over a hundred plays during his thirty-eight years of teaching. A few favorites include: Candide, Macbeth, Death of a Salesman, and The Threepenny Opera. He now writes poetry and plays pickleball with family and friends. |
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Linda C. Anger
Linda C. Anger is the President of The Write Concept, a 17-year-old marketing communications company. Her poetry and short fiction has been featured in numerous national publications. This is her third poem selected by Mused. She is an avid member of Toastmasters International, and a popular workshop facilitator, helping other writers become better speakers. |
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Manijeh Badiozamani
Manijeh Badiozamani is a literary non-fiction writer. She writes mostly about her experiences growing up in Tehran, Iran, where she was born. Her short stories and articles have been published in magazines, anthologies and on the Web. She is a retired professor of English, and is currently working on a collection of short stories: "Family Tales from Tehran", and a non-fiction, "A Year in Middle America, Letters to My Parents." She lives in Colorado. |
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Mark Berkery
Mark was born to itinerant Irish parents which set the scene for a restless life. Like the Gypsy, he couldn´t accept the moribund values of a soulless society, what passed for important or posed as spiritual. The resulting roller-coaster of experience and inner conflict eventually gave way to a love of the simple sense of nature that he now lives - the best he can - as a form of meditation. He expresses his ongoing exploration of nature´s spiritual value through his writing and pictures at www.beingmark.com |
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Susan P. Blevins
Susan P. Blevins, an ex-pat Brit, has traveled the world extensively, lived in Italy for 26 years, and has now settled in Houston, Texas, where she is enjoying writing stories and poems based on her travels and adventures. She had a weekly column on food in a European newspaper and has published various articles on gardens in US and European magazines. She is currently publishing essays and poetry. She is passionate about classical music, gardening, cats, reading and of course, writing. |
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Peter Braddock
Peter Braddock is a 23-year-old writer searching for perspectives on the [extra]ordinary world of the undiscovered human being. A 2016 university graduate, he plans to apply for graduate school in poetry; until then, he continues fighting the good fight as a meter reader in a small, rural town. Recently, he lived in Spain, where his visiting mother asked him to do something with his hair, to which he replied, “I am doing something, I’m letting it grow.” |
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Jeff Burt
Jeff Burt has work in Atticus Review, The Nervous Breakdown, Amarillo Bay, and Across the Margins. He enjoys the delicious imbecility of conscious life. |
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Christine Catalano
Christine likes to take photographs and play with them on the computer. She dedicates her work to her muse and longtime friend, who passed away recently. |
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Elusive Creations
Chris Curtis began her journey into photography while living in NC where she studied using a Nikon D5 film camera. Her mentor was a National Geographic photographer. After returning to RI, she converted to digital photography. She has worked with landscape, concert, and documentary photography. Recently she completed a photographic documentary on an Herbal Medicine Apprenticeship program under the mentorship of Laura Paton. |
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Carol Dandrade
Carol became interested in photography in retirement and is primarily self-taught. Viewing life through a lens has allowed her to see light, people, places and objects with fresh eyes. She is especially drawn to capture waterscapes and foggy landscapes. Her photos have been displayed and awarded in local art shows and published in Mused Review, New England Wildflower Magazine, 3 Blackstone River Valley Corridor calendars, and several newspapers. Carol´s website CarolDandradePhoto.smugmug.com
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Ruth Z. Deming
Ruth Z. Deming, winner of a Leeway Grant for Creative Nonfiction, has been published in Creative Nonfiction, Haggard and Halloo, Ray’s Road Review and other venues. A mental health advocate, she runs New Directions Support Group for people and families affected by depression and bipolar disorder. She lives in Willow Grove, PA, suburban Philadelphia. |
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Keith Dodrill
Keith Dodrill is a 60 year old Londoner who has only been writing for 8 months. His work is varied, but modern in style. More of his work can be found on Google+. Keith is currently unemployed due to ill-health. |
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Ken Allan Dronsfield
Ken Allan Dronsfield is a published poet and author originally from New Hampshire, now residing in Oklahoma. He loves thunderstorms, walking in the woods, and spending time with his cats Merlin and Willa. He is the co-editor of the poetry anthology titled, Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze available at Amazon.com. His published work can be found in reviews, journals, magazines, anthologies and Blogs on the web and in print venues. His poetry has been nominated for Best of the Net for 2016. |
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Bob Evans
A late-comer to art photography, Bob spent his early career working in engineering. He finds that creating something from nothing gives a tremendous rush. Bob strongly believes in taking the subject ‘as-is’ - no posing, no moving of the subject matter. It is capturing the essential essence of the subject matter that is vital to him. As well as photography, Bob is also a keen sculptor and abstract painter. Visit ArckArts.com or follow on FaceBook. |
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Lee Evans
Lee Evans was born in Maryland, spent most of his life in that state, and is currently living in Bath, Maine. His poems have appeared in such journals as Contemporary Rhyme, The Golden Lantern, The Road Not Taken and The Deronda Review. He has produced two poetry collections, Maryland Weather and Nor’easter, which are available on Lulu.com. |
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Janet Garber
Janet Garber is fond of hiking in the “Gunks” with hubby, mixing up weird ingredients, and trying to communicate with her two emotionally-challenged rescue cats. She has had articles, essays, book/movie reviews and poems published widely in print and online. Her fiction has appeared in Forge Literary Journal, Contrapositions, Caesura and more. Her novel Dream Job, Wacky Adventures of an HR Manager was Runner-up in ShelfUnbound´s Best Indie Book and Finalist in New Generation Indie Book Awards. |
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Libia A. Quintero Goncalves
Libia Goncalves holds a Bachelor Degree in Medical Technology from Manizales Catholic University, Colombia 1984, but painting is her passion. She explores oils, watercolors and acrylics. She attended Worcester Art Museum and John Kilroy’s Academy for art lessons. Member of the FAA and BVAA with whom she had exhibited her work since 2010; hosts a TV show DColorex: The Color Expression by Libia A. She has taught art in her studio in Milford, MA since 2012. Personal Motto: excellence is achievable |
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Allyson Guerin
Ally is a graduate of Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, class of 2007. Born and raised in Sutton, MA but currently residing with her husband and Boss-cat in Worcester, MA, she spends her time photographing mainly landscapes, but people pop into her view-finder upon occasion as well! |
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Kelly A. Harrison
Kelly A. Harrison, MFA, lives in San José, CA. She edited West Winds Centennial, a collection by the California Writers Club, for which she won the Ina Coolbrith award. Her creative writing and photography have appeared in literary journals and anthologies, including Reed and THREE. In 2016, she attended the premier writing conference, Bread Loaf. She teaches writing at San José State University and Stanford University. Her novel, The Body Remembered, is almost ready to query. kelly-harrison.com |
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Diana Star Helmer
Diana´s first poetry performance was in third grade, when her class sang Halloween lyrics she wrote to the tune of "The Animal Fair." She has subsequently published more than 40 books of fiction and non-fiction for young readers (see owensandhelmer.com) and poetry in Ladybug magazine and Lyric Iowa. |
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Sarah Henry
Sarah Henry studied under two U.S. Poet Laureates at the University of Virginia. She came home to the Pittsburgh area, where she was employed by the Tribune Review. Her poems have been published both locally and farther afield
in a variety of journals, including humor magazines. Humor is very important to her. |
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Jake Isaacson
Jake grew up on Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada. He inherited his mother´s love of literature, and his fathers love of adventure. The inspiration to write poetry was compelling and surprising. Jake is thrilled to make his debut as a poet on "Mused", as he loves the publication´s positivity and creativity. |
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Sharon A. Larsen
Sharon Larsen honed her writing skills as a journalist, earning a number of regional and statewide honors for her news writing and editorials. She is now semi-retired and enjoying the freedom to return to her first writing "love" -- poetry. She grew up on a dairy farm, and still makes her home in rural Western New York. |
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Nicole Long
Nicole Long’s work has appeared or will shortly appear in Ampersand Literary, Belle Ręve Literary Journal, Scarlet Leaf Review, Exit 109, Wordhaus Magazine, Junto Magazine and Thought Catalog. She is a graduate student, earning her MFA in Screenwriting and Film Studies, and received her Bachelor´s degree in English from Radford University. Her biggest influences are Poe, Frost, and Joyce.
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Bernadine Lortis
When Bernadine isn´t writing these days, she´s catching up on reading, gardening or dabbling in watercolor. Since submitting in June, 2016, creative nonfiction and poetry have been published in Stirring:A Literary Collection, Mused(twice), Silver Birch Press(twice), The Afterlife of Discarded Objects, Mothers Always Write, Miller´s Pond Poetry and Poetry Super Highway. She finds inspiration all about her, writes and lives in St. Paul, MN, with her husband. |
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Martha Magenta
Martha Magenta lives in Bristol, England, UK. She has a passion for herbalism, gardening, Earth and the environment. She has worked for ActionAid, and Friends of the Earth. She has been writing poetry for several years. More recently she has studied haiku and related arts. Her poetry, haiku, senryu and tanka have appeared in a number of journals and magazines. She collects her published work on a blog: https://marthamagenta.com/
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Billy Manas
Billy Manas studied English a long time ago at the State University Of New York at New Paltz, but decided to forego a career in teaching after he realized that he wanted to persue a career in Rock n Roll. Two decades later when he finally faced the fact that he was not rich and famous yet, he learned how to drive a tractor trailer and spends his free time writing poetry and being a dad. |
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Marylou Mansfield
Marylou Mansfield is a full time resident of Cape Cod. She currently shares in two writing groups located in Orleans, Ma, Dune Hollow Writers, and COA Writers. Marylou contributed to the e-book anthology, SHADOW & LIGHT, published by Provincetown Public Press in 2013, compiled by the Women of Dune Hollow Writers. She has read pieces from the anthology in Provincetown and Chatham. Marylou has enjoyed reading her poetry on Senior View, a program highlighted on HCAM-TV in Hopkinton Ma. |
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E. Lillith McDermott
E. Lillith McDermott writes from the quiet of the Midwest. She is a graduate of both the University of Kansas and Lindenwood University. Her fiction can be found in a variety of publications and anthologies including Daily Science Fiction.com, The Colored Lens, and Sensorama. Her nonfiction can be found online in publications such as GeekMom. For a full listing of her work, please visit www.elillithmcdermott.com
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Joan McNerney
Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary zines such as Camel Saloon, Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Blueline, Missing of the Birds, and included in Bright Hills Press, Kind of A Hurricane Press and Poppy Road Review anthologies. She has been nominated four times for Best of the Net.
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James Nichols
I am a 52 year old physician and father of five who writes for the joy it brings as well as the healing effects it has after a tough day of work or life. I truly believe writing has added quality years to my life and kept my mind as sharp as it was forty years ago. Thanks for reading my works and I hope you enjoy them. |
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Lawrence Pratt
I´m a retired Silicon Valley technical writer who has been pursuing both freelance photography and creative writing as artistic outlets for over 20 years. More free time has allowed me to refine my avocational efforts and develop a website (www.miroerarts.com) dedicated to my efforts with my favorite photos posted to a single portfolio at http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/lawrence-pratt.html. Please visit and enjoy. Questions or comments can be posted to my miroerarts gmail account. |
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Nadeera Rajapakse
Nadeera Rajapakse is currently pursuing a Bachelor´s degree in Software Engineering in UNIMAS. She writes in her spare time and looks forward to seeing more of her work being published in the future. |
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John Randell
John sees an abundance of wildlife daily on his mail route. By sharing his photos online he connected with other birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts. As his small circle started to grow he decided to start his own group to encourage others to join the conversation and share their photos. John and a friend Mary manage the facebook group Wildlife of Worcester County and Beyond which has grown to 300 members. A calendar of his best photos each year is available at johnrandellphotography.com. |
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K. L. Ricks
K. L. Ricks submitted the works Canicule and Vehemence. |
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Natalie Rowe
As a kid, Natalie Rowe wrote oodles of poetry, including a sappy ode to two amorous seagulls that was published in the local paper´s "Young Poets" section. Her father had it laminated. For years, she found it too painful to write poetry, but now she has returned to it with fervour. When not writing, Natalie makes art, keeps bees and lives on a farm with a multitude of rescue animals, where she often gets her best ideas while shovelling manure. Find her at www.beemeadowfarm.com or tweet Knatolee |
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Eileen Sateriale
Eileen Sateriale is a Federal Government administrator who writes in her spare time. She lives in Methuen, Massachusetts with her husband, Ken. When her children were growing up, she wrote a school column for a local newspaper in Maryland. She also had some articles on school activities published in the Washington Post. She has had poetry, short stories and travel articles featured in print and on-line media. |
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Wayne Scheer
Wayne Scheer has been nominated for four Pushcart Prizes and a Best of the Net. He´s published numerous stories, poems and essays in print and online, including Revealing Moments, a collection of flash stories. http://issuu.com/pearnoir/docs/revealing_moments. His short story, "Zen and the Art of House Painting"ť has been made into a short film. Wayne lives in Atlanta with his wife and can be contacted at wvscheer AT aol.com |
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LindaAnn Lo Schiavo
Native New Yorker LindaAnn Loschiavo is a busy dramatist, journalist, activist, historian, critic, and poet. Her plays include "Courting Mae West" and "Diamond Lil, Queen of the Bowery" (last onstage in NYC August-November 2013 and available on You Tube). Presently, she is completing her second documentary film and also her latest book: "Flirting with the Fire Gods." Come up sometime and see her Mae West Blog http://MaeWest.blogspot.com & Texas Guinan Blog http://TexasGuinan.blogspot.com |
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Linda Leedy Schneider
Linda Leedy Schneider, winner of the 2012 Contemporary American Poetry Prize, is a political activist, poetry and writing mentor and psychotherapist in private practice. Linda facilitates workshops including The International Women´s Writing Guild´s Annual Summer Conference which will be held July 7-14, 2017 at Muhlenberg College, in Allentown, PA and The Manhattan Writing Workshop which she founded and has led since 2008. She has written six poetry collections.
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Bob See
Bob See has been actively interested in photography for many years. He enjoys taking images of wildlife and landscapes. Bob´s online photography gallery can be found here - http://bvaa.org/galleries/gallery-bob-see/ - he is also on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. |
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Lisa Shea
Born in Maryland, Lisa Shea has been contentedly nestled in the rolling hills and mossy forests of central Massachusetts since 1995. She is drawn to the ocean and cherishes quiet evenings as the orange glow of sunset glistens across wooden docks. Lisa relishes the challenge of conveying meaning and memorable characters in a measured bounding of time and space. Her stories, poems, and images celebrate natural beauty and serenity. Enjoy thousands of her photos at http://www.lisashea.com |
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J. Scott Shields
Years ago, Scott left the Midwest for the deserts of Arizona. Music, literature, and writing are his passions, and he strives to share his love of the written word with his high school English students each day. Scott’s writing has appeared in the English Journal, Mused, 101 Words, Serials and Short Stories, Canyon Echo, and Treoir magazine (an international publication that promotes traditional Irish music and culture). He is also a contributor to the blog, Writing Is Cake. |
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Beate Sigriddaughter
Beate Sigriddaughter grew up in post-WWII Germany and moved to the United States in her teens. She is current Poet Laureate of Silver City, New Mexico. Five times a Pushcart Prize nominee and winner of four poetry prizes, she has published prose and poetry in many literary magazines and ezines. FutureCyclePress will publish her poetry collection "Xanthippe and Her Friends" in 2018. Please visit her website at www.sigriddaughter.com.
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Craig W. Steele
Craig W. Steele is a professor of biology and health services at Edinboro University in northwestern Pennsylvania. In his continuing quest to become a widely-read unknown poet, his poems appear in numerous anthologies, literary journals and magazines, most recently in The Lyric, Medical Literary Messenger, Muddy River Poetry Review, Mused: the BellaOnline Literary Review, Stoneboat Literary Journal and elsewhere. He continues to write poetry as “The Writer’s Poet” for Extra Innings online. |
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Verne L. Thayer
I have been surrounded by Art and Nature starting from my early childhood. I try to capture that moment when you come upon a scene and must stop and catch your breath from natures beauty.
Basically, I’m self-taught. My influences were my father, Elton V. Thayer, Robert Wood, Earl Daniels, and George Cherepov. But the best part of my adventure in art is that I learn or see something new every day. I’m never as happy as when I have a paintbrush in hand and a canvas in front of me.
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Arthur Turfa
Arthur Turfa,second-generation American,has traveled extensively. Born in Pennsylvania,now living in South Carolina. His careers, travels, and time spent in several states and Germany provide the basis for his poetry. "Accents", his second book of poetry (published in May 2017 by Blue Deco Publishing) The first book,"Places and Times", was published in April 2015 by eLectio Publishing.His work appears in US and international journals. awturfa.blogspot.com, "Some Poetry" is his blog. |
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Jody Zolli
Jody Zolli has enjoyed writing poetry since she was seven. Poetry runs in the family, though, as both her mother and grandmother wrote poetry, and had a knack for doggerel verse. Jody has enjoyed being a technical writer for thirty years, and feels it is the perfect marriage between creative writing and engineering. |
Linda Barrett
Linda Barrett is a prolific poet, short story writer and an award winner of the Montgomery County Community College Writer´s Contest for four years running. She wrote her first work at eight years old and her second work at the age of 13. She contributes to the Compass, Mad Swirl, Idea Gems, and Night to Dawn magazine. Linda has lived in Abington, Pa. for 52 years in the same house on the same street. This is her fifth contribution to Mused magazine. |
| Kasey Cox
Kasey Cox submitted the work The Fire. |
| Melanie Donnahee
Melanie Donnahee submitted the work An Exclusive Club. |
| Marchell Dyon
Marchell Dyon is a published disabled poet. She believes her disability has inspired her creative spark. Her most recent poems have been published in Silver Blade Magazine, Torrid Literature Journal, Dead Snakes Magazine and Abyss and Apex Magazine. This is her second time to be published in Mused Bella Online, Her first poems were Still Life and From Water I draw you still. She is from Chicago IL. |
| D. E. Fredd
D. E. Fredd—lives in Townsend, Massachusetts. He has had over two hundred short stories and poems published in literary reviews and journals. He received the Theodore Hoepfner Award given by the Southern Humanities Review for the best short fiction of 2005 and was a 2006 Ontario Award Finalist. He won the 2006 Black River Chapbook Competition and received a 2007, 2009 and 2010 Pushcart Nomination. |
| Carol Frieswick
I have painted for a long while, learning with every painting. One would think I would know what to do by now. But anyone who paints knows it is not an easy pastime. I have used many mediums but my current favorites are oil and pastel. http://bvaa.org/galleries/gallery-carol-frieswick/ |
| Ted G.
Ted G. submitted the work A Sort of Annunciation. |
| Linda B. Gamble
Linda Gamble is a retired reading specialist. In the past she has published articles for professional educational journals, but since her retirement has given her creative muse a chance to grow. She has just begun submitting some of her poetry and has been fortunate to have pieces accepted by Edison Literary Review,US 1, A Kind of Hurricane, Jellyfish Whispers, Camel Saloon, Long Story Short and past issues of Mused. Currently she is also working on a children´s picture book. |
| Amelia Nolan
Amelia has loved writing stories for as long as she can remember. She currently teaches elementary school and is working on her Master´s degree in English. When she isn´t teaching or writing, Amelia can be found in her garden or taking care of her myriad of animals. |
| Fredd
Deb Palmer is a Christian storyteller. Writing that evokes laughter, tears, and unexpected pondering are her definition of success. Whether spinning a good yarn as a child, writing skits or dabbling in journalism, telling a good story has forever been her purpose. Currently, she is exploring publication of, “In Spite of Us – Stalked by a Loving God,” a non-fiction, creative narrative. Please visit her website at http://debpalmerauthor.com/ to learn more about this book and her other writings. |
| Natalie Rodriguez
Natalie Rodriguez submitted the work Katie & Nicole. |
| Manny Rodriquez
Manny Rodriques submitted the works Day's End and Peonies. |
| Amanda Sanchez
Amanda Sanchez submitted the work Poison. |
| Frank Tropea
Frank Tropea submitted the work Spring Song. |